Sunday, February 02, 2025

My Review of Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer (2007)


Written by Don Payne And Mark Frost And John Turman
Directed by Tim Story

The Silver Surfer: "Treasure each moment with her and tell her she's right, we do have a choice."

With the 2005 movie being a success, a sequel was to be expected and it's not one that was exactly beloved. Is it really that bad? I guess I'm going to against the grain and say not really. I don't hate it but it's certainly shorter than expected.

Anyways, you've got the wedding of Reed Richards (Ioan Gruffudd) and Susan Storm (Jessica Alba) and needless to say, it's not an event that doesn't go without a hitch. Whether it's Johnny Storm (Chris Evans) on bachelor party duties with certain women and Ben Grimm/The Thing (Michael Chiklis), there's also the title character making their presence known.

Yup, the Silver Surfer aka Norton Radd (Laurence Fishburne/Doug Jones) being a menace in the sky had Reed researching him behind Susan's back at the behest of General Hager (Andre Braugher) and the title character also disrupted Reed and Sue's first attempt to get married. Needless to say that didn't exactly endear the character to the title.

Speaking of characters not on the endearing, Doctor Doom (Julian McMahon) returned for seconds, seemingly wanting to help the Fantastic Four with the Silver Surfer. Of course, it was clear that he had his own agenda and Sue soon realised that the Silver Surfer wasn't the villain of the piece. Sue was the first to figure that out about the title character.

The real villain of the piece that wasn't Doom was of course, Galactus. This version was basically a planet eating cloud that Silver Surfer was a servant. Silver Surfer did get something of a heroic sacrifice when She became a casualty of Galactus while Doom also got his ass handed to him for the second movie in a row.

As for the rest of the movie, we saw Reed and Sue eventually get married and briefly consider disbanding the team. We also got a little more depth with Ben's relationship with Alicia Masters (Kerry Washington) while Johnny met his match with the less easy to impress Captain Raye (Beau Garrett). 

- Captain Raye's first name was Frankie and yeah, she was a nod to Nova. Not that you'd know, lol.
- A post credit scene confirmed that Silver Surfer actually survived the events of this movie.
- Stan Lee made an appearance as a rejected wedding guest called Stan Lee.
- Chronology: A while since the events of the first movie. New York, Shanghai and Japan.

I had a lot of fun with Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer. The power swapping antics were amusing, the title character was nicely handled and our four leads were on fine form. The only flaws were the shorter run time and Doom feeling tacked on and Galactus not being used as well as they could've been.

Rating: 7 out of 10 

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