Thursday, February 20, 2025

My Review of Harley Quinn: "Bottle My Heart"


Written by Dean Lorey
Directed by Joonki Park 

Brainiac (re Ivy): "She knows what it's like now."

The play's the thing. Except when it's attempts to warn Metropolis about an imminent alien invasion through Brainiac, The Tragedy Of: The Musical. It was an idea devised between Harley, Clayface and Bane. It didn't go well.

It could've been the hit and miss musical numbers, the lack of cooperation between the three leads, including Frank. It could also be that Brainiac's moment of harsh clarity about Koko saw him not react well to a pile of space monkey bones.

Killing Frank off was certainly a choice and one that devastated Ivy by the end of the episode. She couldn't even revive Frank, which Brainiac seemed indifferent towards. He wanted someone to experience his pain. He got that with Ivy. He'll likely regret that.

To think Lena's attempts to get back at Brainiac went horribly wrong throughout the episode. Even when she lied about the nature of her real involvement with Brainiac, her attempts of getting revenge on Brainiac went the opposite of what she intended. Lena doesn't quite have the villainy of her brother.

As for the rest of the episode, Harley confessed to murder but Lois was the one who ended up quitting The Daily Planet when she refused to write a retraction. Oh and Harley figured out that Perry was Clayface and used that to her advantage throughout the episode.

- Ivy can't act and Harley can't sing but the latter won an award for a non singing role in a production of The Sound Of Music
- Bruce getting Lena to get him hemorrhoid cream. Oh dear.
- Both Lois and Harley were having sex dreams about the skulls. Harley insulted Lois's neck and Lois said that Harley was 48.
- Chronology: Not long from the last episode. 

Bottle My Heart had some fun with the musical idea as Lena switched loyalties, Brainiac got a reality check, Frank died, Harley was a theatre nightmare and poor Ivy lost her creation. Overall, a good one.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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