Wednesday, February 12, 2025

My Review of Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017)


Written by Ernie Altbacker
Directed by Sam Liu

Beast Boy: "But in the end, when the chips were down... and she finally showed her true self... Terra Markov was like a diamond. The most beautiful thing that I'd ever seen."

Follow the events of Justice League vs. Teen Titans, you've now got an established group of the latter. Once again, it's Nightwing (Sean Maher), Starfire (Kari Wahlgren), Robin (Stuart Allan), Raven (Taissa Farmiga), Blue Beetle (Jake T. Austin), Beast Boy (Brandon Soo Hoo) and now Terra (Christina Ricci) in the mix.

After the character actively sought out the Teen Titans, in this movie, she seemed to struggle to actually connect with them. With Beast Boy, she found him exhausting and the fact that he fancied her was something Terra didn't care for. There was also mutual distrust between Terra and Raven.

The one Titan she kind of connected with was Robin aka Damian Wayne but even that got married when it was revealed that Terra was working with Deathstroke (Miguel Ferrer) of all people. Yup, he's back and he's even more unpleasant here than he was in Son Of Batman

When he wasn't lording it over capturing Damian, the real nature of his relationship with Terra was revealed. If you've read or are familiar with the comic book this movie's based on, this didn't shy away from the insidious aspects of Deathstroke and Terra. The latter's completely under Deathstroke's spell until he made it clear he had no problem sacrificing her along with the rest of the captured Titans (except Nightwing).

While Deathstroke was at his most vile in this movie, he's not the main villain. Instead he's working on behalf of a fanatical cult ran by Brother Blood (Greg Henry) and Mother Mayhem (Meg Foster). Their plan involved absorbing the Titans powers through a machine so Brother Blood could become a god. 

It's a convoluted plan that inevitably failed with Terra eventually siding with the Titans and sacrificing herself to help save the day. Terra's sacrifice did affect the team and there's a lovely moment with Kevin Smith (yes, it was really him) talking to Beast Boy about her and being a Titan in general.

- Wonder Girl, the Donna Troy version joined the team after Terra. The original Titans also included Bumblebee (Masasa Moyo), Kid Flash (Jason Spisak) and Arsenal (Crispin Freeman).
- Other subplots included Nightwing and Starfire moving in together and Blue Beetle volunteering at a soup kitchen as well as reconnecting with his family.
- A post credit scene revealed that Jericho survived from being shot by Mother Mayhem.
- Chronology: A year since the events of Justice League vs. Teen Titans.

Teen Titans: The Judas Contract adapted that particular comic story rather well, even with the sheer horror of Deathstroke and Terra's relationship. The various subplots are also handled pretty well. 

Rating: 7 out of 10 

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