Saturday, March 01, 2025

My Review of Daredevil (2003)


Written And Directed by Mark Steven Johnson

Daredevil: "As for Daredevil, well... soon the world will know the truth. That this is a city born of heroes, that one man CAN make a difference."

There are some actors out there who are arguably not cut out for the superhero genre. If Ben Affleck made for a divisive version of Batman between 2016-2023, then cast your minds back to a time when he played a different superhero for another brand.

Picture it: It's 2003 and Affleck at a good place in his career decided to take on the role of blind lawyer Matt Murdock and his alter ego, the vigilante, Daredevil. I'll be blunt, he's absolutely miscast in the role from start to finish.

The early part of the movie skimmed through a younger Matt's (Scott Terra) backstory, involving bullies and the highs and lows of his boxer father, Jack (David Keith), with the latter's eventual death at the hands of local crime boss, Wilson Fisk/Kingpin (Michael Clarke Duncan). Wilson's not to be messed with.

Throughout the movie, Fisk did everything to assert his power, including hiring Bullseye (Colin Farrell) to take out Nikolas Natchios (Erick Avari). By doing this, he created a vengeance seeking antihero in Nikolas's daughter, Elektra (Jennifer Garner), who was determined to get her own back.

Throughout the movie, Elektra was the obvious highlight of the whole thing. There's a good chemistry between Elektra and Matt, even when the former initially thought that Daredevil was responsible for her father's death. Of course she found out that Bullseye did the deed before she ended up dead at his hands.

The rest of the movie kind of rushed through both Daredevil taking out both Bullseye and Kingpin while also getting something of a media champion in Ben Urich (Joe Pantoliano). The latter could've outed him but chose not to, especially following the downfall of Kingpin.

- Other characters included Foggy Nelson (Jon Favreau) and Karen Page (Ellen Pompeo). Theres also cameos from Stan Lee and Kevin Smith.
- A post credit scene revealed that Bullseye survived and still had his skills intact. Colin Farrell using his own accent was something else.
- Standout music: Evanescence's Bring Me To Life.
- Chronology: 2003, Hell's Kitchen in New York.

Daredevil wasn't a great film when it first came out and over two decades later, it's still a rather poor live action adaptation for the character. Ben Affleck was woefully miscast as the character but both Colin Farrell and Michael Clarke Duncan are dire too.

Rating: 4 out of 10 

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