Thursday, September 16, 2010

DW Series 6 - Casting News

You wait ages for some spoilers and then they come all at once. Newcomer Jamie Oram has won the role of Harry in the Mark Gatiss episode (apparently the Neil Gaiman one actually begins next week) and playing his parents are Emma Cunniffe and Daniel Mays as Alex, according to new rumours. Also, it's heavily being suggested that the episode will be called What Are Little Boy's Made Of?

More details can be read here ....

Richard Clarke, the director for episodes 3 and 4 of Series 6 posted the above picture on his Twitter page a couple of days ago and has also been updating his tweets with some interesting enough tidbits. I'm also finding myself intrigued by this 'Bob' character as well and whatever madness is surrounding the family of the episode as well.

Richard Clarke Twitter:


  1. Yay!! *victory arms* Dr Who spoilers!! Well, not really, more like hints, but that´s nice too...

  2. I've hread some interesting things on the Gaiman episode that I'll post when some decent set pics emerge as well but it's looking good.

  3. Dude, brits TV shows take forever. As of right now Im waiting for Dr Who, Being Human and Sherlock... And I don´t want to get on board anything else, cause I know Im gonna suffer :)
    Not that american TV shows are any better, really. I have to wait till January for the next ep of Eureka, after waiting a year for it to come back.

  4. I know myself. I had to watch True Blood's third season online because in the UK, they're not airing it until next year and there was no way I was going to wait that long to see it as a series. The length that stations wait to air contributes to people trying to acquire TV shows by other means.

  5. Tell me about it. Im from Argentina, so half of them shows don´t even get aired here, or if they do, half of them are in spanish. Leverage, for instance, is a show that I love, and I can´t watch it on the telly cause it´s in bloody spanish - and the voices suck. So yep, I have to find alternative ways to get it.
