Monday, October 25, 2010

Torchwood - Season 4 Character Details/Casting Rumours

We still have yonks to wait for The New World but thankfully some information is coming our ways in regards to production and characters.

Okay, first thing's first - characters. We've finally gotten some descriptions of them. Rex Matheson is 28 and the main CIA agent that we're focusing on whilst Esther Katusi has a "faith in mankind" and is madly in love with Rex. Can you say Owen/Toshiko 2011 already? Oswald Jones is "dangerous and twisted" and fated to "become the centre of terrifying events". A fourth character called, Dr Vera Juaraz will be caught up in Torchwood's missions as well throughout the 10 episode season.

Right now, it's being rumoured that the roles of Rex and Esther have been cast. Operative word - rumour. Apparently EW are speculating that both Enver Gjokaj (Dollhouse) and Chad Michael Murray (One Tree Hill) are frontrunners for the role of Rex and Amber Stevens (Greek) is up for the role of Esther. Personally I wouldn't object to seeing Enver on this show myself but for the time being, we're still in the dark about who Rex and Esther will be played by, though I'll bet we'll learn before Christmas though.


  1. Ok, if its Chad M Murray I`m gonna be so so pissed... The other guy I don´t know so I could live with it, but please, please not CMM...
    Dude, the whole thing irks me, please don´t sink it any lower...

  2. So far they're just rumours but hopefully something will be confirmed soon enough though.
