Monday, November 22, 2010

A Love Letter To America - Doctor Who Series 6 Spoilers

Well, hasn't it been an interesting last few days? When we haven't been getting trailers for A Christmas Carol, we've been getting some lovely filming pictures for the first two parter of Series 6 as the cast were filming in Utah last week.

Notice in the first picture two very interesting things - one that Amy is fleeing from the FBI and two, that she's got some interesting marks on her arms not that dissimilar to the ones that River had been branding on hers for earlier shots of this story. According to Piers Wenger, this story is going to be something of a love letter to America and while the filming was in place in Utah, expect scenes in New York, San Francisco and Washington as well.

The Doctor, Rory and River in a particular scene together and it's nice to see that if Amy's wearing plaid, then Rory's wearing some shorts as exchange. I guess with the FBI look, River might be working for Canton (Mark Shephard) and his cronies again. Other casting for this two parter includes Dtuart Milligan, Marnix van den Broeke, Chuk Iwuji, Mark Griffin, Kerry Shale, Glenn Wrage, Jeff Mash, Sydney Wade, Tommy Campbell, Peter Banks, Nancy Baldwin, Kieran O'Connor, Alex Giannini, Adam Napier, Henrietta Clemett, Paul Critoph, Ricky Fearon and Emilio Aquino, according to DWM.

This season has also had a few more details revealed in other areas too. Neil Gaiman's character Idris in the third episode is at the end of her life but doesn't die, Mark Gatiss's story is suburbia based, episodes 5 and 6 will be a two parter by Matthew Graham and are rumoured to be titled The Rebel Flesh and Gangers, featuring Sarah Smart (At Home With The Braithwaites) while Steven Moffat will scribe episodes 7 and 8 with a break in between them as the second half of the season will air in Autumn 2011.

It's also being heavily rumoured that River's true identity will be revealed around the seventh episode and also that Amy learns her secret (or a secret) beforehand and is urged not to tell the Doctor whilst rumours are that Rory will make an almighty blunder as well. Matt Smith also revealed in a recent interview that something is going on with Amy as well in the upcoming series, so make of that what you will. More pictures of the Utah filming can be seen in the link below.

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