Saturday, December 11, 2010

What A Way To Go 50 - Corrie Spoilers

So there were the numerous specials, the repeat of the first ever episode and every media website going into overdrive but the more critical thing were the eight episodes this week that actually celebrated the 50th anniversary of Coronation Street. So, where they any good?

Actually yes and not just because they were the celebratory episodes but because for an entire week, this show was at it's most consistent, most devastating, most poignant and genuinely most gripping in the longest of times. Crashing a tram isn't exactly new for the street but it was certainly an interesting way to celebrate things. Lives were lost, most were shattered but it was definitely a week that kept things very interesting.

John was always going to bump Charlotte off and after caving her brains in with a hammer, he got the (for now) perfect get out of jail clause when it was assumed she was a tram victim and her parents wanted to shut off her life support machine. Then after Fiz's all too realistic screeching, John also became the proud father of a little girl named Hope. On another parenting note, Becky stole from Dev's trashed shop in order to pay off her despicable sister in order to keep Max in arguably the least riveting storyline of the week.
As for the deaths, Charlotte's can't count because the tram didn't kill and unless that father of three in a car turns out be someone we know later on, he doesn't either, so we only got two out of the four deaths we were promised. I've never been big fans of Ashley and Molly but even I found their deaths sad to watch, namely because of Claire and Tyrone's devastation and also because Sally now knows that Kevin's fathered another child.
As for the false alarms - way to scare us with almost killing off Sunita, Peter and Rita. All three managed to survive but that didn't stop Carla from spitefully rubbing Leanne up the wrong way as well. I have a feeling this quardrangle between Nick/Leanne/Peter/Carla will only intensify all the more, regardless of Peter and Leanne being married. And unlike most people, I didn't believe for a second that any child would die during this week and I was right. Also a special mention to the way Gary's PTSD also played into the week as that's a plot I'm looking forward to seeing further explored in the next few weeks. Overall, this was an incredible week (especially the live episode) with everyone raising their game and hopefully a sign of better storylines to come during Christmas and 2011.

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