Saturday, April 16, 2011

Doctor Who - Series 6 Hits New York

I swear, this is the last Doctor Who related blog until my review for The Impossible Astronaut but here's something to savour until next Saturday ...

The start of the week saw actors Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill and Alex Kingston along with showrunner, Steven Moffat, producers Beth Willis and Piers Wenger and director Toby Haynes heading over to New York to do some promo work for the sixth season with all five of them fielding questions from eager American fans.

During the Q&A section, there were hints from Moffat about John Simm not leaving his role of the Master just yet (I guess we can start the Master coming for Series 7 rumours, can't we?) as well as teasings about the show's past inclusion of LGBT characters as well as more musings on this year's threat, the Silence. Also watch out for an unique rendition of Rebecca Black's Friday to Matt, Karen and Arthur.

Preview Clips For The Impossible Astronaut:
Matt/Karen/Arthur Interview:
Series 6 Q&A:

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