Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Soap Discussion - August 2011

And to end the month, here's a soap blog ...

Coronation Street: I've found this month extremely dull. Maybe it's my lack of investment of Fiz as a character that prevented me from caring about her ordeal (and if the place is such a danger, why bring Hope into it?) in prison or even Becky momentarily considering child abduction as an option. Even Frank proposing to Carla and Kylie's exposing of Marc as Marcia didn't really hit the spot either. I hate to admit it but maybe the soap is going through the motions at the moment. Something like Sylvia and Norris's rivarly should be entertaining but it's not as much as I hoped it would be.

EastEnders: Okay, a better month. Well, both Anthony and Tyler are duds, played by extremely rubbish actors but they might improve if we're lucky. Thankfully, Michael is still at his scheming best and trying to use an exiled Vanessa to take down his father is pretty interesting - well, more interesting than the pressure of Darren/Jodie's wedding but it's also overshadowed by ridding us of both Ryan and Rob and exposing Max/Tanya's affair in a nicely explosive fashion. And then there's Ian's involvement in the return of Mandy. I hope for the show's sake this doesn't end up the same way that Claire's return in 2008 wound up.

Emmerdale: Oh, Aaron, ever the ray of sunshine, isn't he? When he isn't trashing Jackson's grave in anguish, he's nearly killing his own mother in a car crash. I get that the writers have a strong actor in Danny Miller but the neverending angst with Aaron has made him into such an unlikeable, it's actually hard to care about. I cared more about Leyla's hasty departure and Amy's pregnancy this month than the latest in the saga of Aaron angst. Still, the lower points of the month were revealing that Jai was Mia's dad but at least boring Adam/Ella affair is out in the open and destined to be forgotten soon, right?

Fair City: Did anything really happen this month, at all? There was still the tedium of Jo and Tommy's badly thought out affair, some rubbish with Mark and the Bishops and Suzanne revealing that she was pregnant and that was it, really. It does seem that next month will finally deal with Barry admitting that he killed Sarah, so that should be interesting. Well, more interesting than this month anyways.

Hollyoaks: Okay, this did have an exciting month. Brendan's insistence on staying in the closet, due to the presence of his son might be dull as fuck but at least the Silas storyline finally got it's ass in gear. Loved the mind games between Silas and Lynsey during the month, even if it would've been nicer if Lynsey hadn't been so easily pushed out of town because of it. As for the Jason/Bart/Sinead 'triangle', it wasn't that bad but it's not gonna end well. It's also more plausible than the forced obstacles they kept chucking at Carmel/Francis and Lee/Amy as well.

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