Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Merlin - Season 4 Preview

With only four more episodes of Doctor Who left for Saturday, you wouldn't be wrong in thinking that telefantasy drama would then be gone but thankfully, the fourth season of Merlin is very much upon us ...
The fourth season will take place a year after the events of third year and both Morgana and Morgause will be smarting from their defeats and exile from Camelot. Uther won't exactly be in much of a position to run the Kingdom, so it's up to Arthur and his uncle Agravaine (Nathaniel Parker) to do. Elsewhere, as Arthur and Gwen's relationship progresses, Merlin might soon be in a position to change the kingdom's stance on magic but whether or not he'll succeed is another thing.
Elsewhere, the Knight of the Round Table are also regulars this season and the recent issue of Gay Times has gotten actors Rupert Young, Tom Hopper and Eoin Macken on their cover. The video for the interview contains a small spoiler for an episode but in the magazine, it's mostly the lads getting to grips with the impact of the series, it's fans and the murky areas of slash fiction. Well, this show is shamelessly homoerotic and these knights are likely to increase that if the writers have anything to do with it.

Season 4 Trailer:
Knights Interview:

Season 4 of Merlin airs on BBC1, Saturdays at 7pm from October 8th. Gay Times is also available to buy from today.

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