Friday, October 28, 2011

Misfits - Season 2 Review

First thing is first, this article will contain some spoilers in relation to the second season, which aired over a year ago, so if you haven't seen it, then don't read on. If you have seen Season 2 and read some of the TV jumble blogs from last year when I talked about it, then nothing I'll be talking about will be that much of a spoiler. I'm not trying to be discourteous to anyone but there will be some spoilers here and I've given fair warning.

Episode 1: It's another set up episode for the series - first with Nathan being back into the mix, following the first season finale and then setting up the arrival of a super-hoodie who has been watching over the gang. The antics with a shape shifter from Simon's past also drive the opening story quite well.

Episode 2: Nathan gains a brother for the whole of an episode and then disaster strikes, while he deals with lingering issues with his father. There's also more to Nathan's powers that are revealed in this one as well while new girl Nikki is introduced towards the end of the episode to the gang.

Episode 3: A big one for the series. The identity of the hoodie is revealed when Alisha digs deeper while Curtis gets involved with Nikki and both Nathan and Kelly are up under the influence of a tattoo artist and it's up to Simon to save the day.

Episode 4: One of the most bizarre episodes going. The Gamer plot was interesting enough but it seemed like they got rid of the hoodie plot a little too quickly, even if Alisha is well aware of who the mystery person was under the mask. And Nikki gets a power of her own in an unusual way.

Episode 5: A costume party and an unusual love interest for Kelly? Also one of the best episodes we've had. The Jessica plot, despite being a bit unoriginal also worked rather well and even Curtis and Nikki getting together played out nicely.

Episode 6: For a brief moment, the gang became famous and a disgruntled freak took it upon himself to create as much havoc as he could with the strangest power going. This episode is probably more remembered for Simon and Alisha getting closer and Nathan's meaning behind the word, 'tripling'.

Episode 7: If ever there was a Christmas special that couldn't be described as typical, it's this one. Well, we did get a birth, a death, a classic line from Kelly and one hell of a game changing moment in the last scene.

In terms of a second year, this was a superb success from start to finish. It improved upon the first season, developed the characters even better and never lost it's coarse veneer throughout. I'm definitely glad I got into this show.

Rating: 9 out of 10


  1. I'm happy to see you took my advice about spoilers, Shawn. Although, I am little befuddled as to why you haven't allowed my comment to be posted.

  2. Must have deleted it by accident as I've been hit with spammers for the last few days, sorry about that.

    I did go over what you said and made sure the next review was less spoiler heavy.
