Wednesday, October 05, 2011

The Simpsons - To Be Canned Or Not?

It's been running for 23 seasons but it seems like the time could be up for The Simpsons. Reports have surfaced that the long running FOX comedy cartoon could end because of a salary dispute and the ratings taking a tumble. So should it end?

I think maybe so. I love The Simpsons and literally catch nearly everyday (let's face it, it's bloody hard not to) but recent series just haven't been that great and the celeb cameos that use to be enjoyable from time to time have become somewhat intrusive to the series.

But at the same time, I can't imagine the series not producing new episodes. Love it or loathe it, it's a bloody iconic show and it's certainly better than other cartoon families (and live action) ones. I suppose we'll know in due course what the show's eventual fate will be.

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