Saturday, February 25, 2012

Game Of Thrones - Another Season 2 Trailer

You got to love HBO. It may be another five weeks until the arrival of the second season of Game Of Thrones but their promotion for the show continues to be a thing of beauty. Now they've gone and released a 110 second promo for the second year and like the previous two promos, it's tantalising stuff.

Season 2 Trailer:

Season 2 airs on HBO and SkyAtlantic, 9pm from April 1st and 2nd.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I can’t wait for Sunday, season 2 looks to be even better then the first season, and frankly I can’t see HBO doing any less of an outstanding job on this season. I’m still kind of irked at George RR Martin for killing so many cool characters off, but it does make for a good story, just not a steady job for a lot of actors. I wanted to get a refresher before season 2 came out, so I added it to my queue when it was released on my blockbuster @home account. After a almost 2 weeks I couldn’t figure out why it hadn’t come until I looked at my queued and realized that I hadn’t moved it up in priority, and after I fixed that I had them 48 hours later, and started to enjoy them yesterday. Unfortunately my GoT marathon got cut short half way through since I had to go work at DISH, but hey you have to work right? I am just glad that I decided to get the blockbuster @home pack, it has come in handy not only for streaming but for getting DVD’s by mail so I will be ready for season 2 on Sunday!
