Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Doctor Who - Series 7 New Picture/Returning Monster Rumour

It's Wednesday and there's a new picture to behold of our future TARDIS Team ...

Yes, it's another pose of the Doctor and Clara, as played by Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman. It's not bad but would it have killed the BBC to have released one of them in character? I think this is the last one we're getting for a while too but I could be wrong.

Meanwhile and once again, the Ice Warriors are rumoured to be returning to Doctor Who with the Daily Star insisting that Mark Gatiss will be writing for them in the second half of Series 7. Seeing as they were rumoured as far as Series 3 with Martha's first story, maybe it would be nice for one of Clara's first adventures to feature them. They are overdue a return, aren't they?

Doctor Who will return to BBC1 this Autumn.

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