Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Being Human - Series 5 Casting News

And we have a major casting for the fifth series of Being Human announced ...

Phil Davis (Quadrophenia, Silk) will be appearing in the series as a character called Captain Hatch. The character in question will be a wheelchair bound man, embodying the worst of humanity and also he'll be a rather disgusting creature too. According to the press, his identity could be something that will rattle your soul with fear. I'm intrigued.

So far, we haven't had too much information about the upcoming series, but Davis's character sounds bloody intriguing (a new Type, perhaps?) and given that he's a consistently reliable actor, I'm sure he's going to be wonderful in the role. Keeping with spoilers, it seems that a Tweet from a production member has Alex's surname as Millar rather Mayhew.

Press Release: http://www.sfx.co.uk/2012/08/13/phil-davis-joins-being-human-cast/

Being Human's fifth series will air on BBC3 in early 2013.

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