Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Thurderbirds Are Go ... In 2015

It seems that the once famous show is going to be returning to ITV in 2015, a whopping 50 years since it's original debut and teaming up with Pukeko Pictures and Weta Workshop , the newest version of Thunderbirds will be a mixture of CGI and live action sets.

This isn't the first time we've been promised another TV version of the show. One was originally planned back in 2009 but was ultimately scrapped by Michael Grade at the time when he was working on ITV. Hopefully this version will really take off, be a roaring success and erase the memories of the lacklustre 2004 movie.

More Information: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/9847249/ITV-and-Avatar-studios-confirm-Thunderbirds-remake.html

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