Thursday, March 27, 2014

Glee - New Directions (Spoilers)

This won't be a regular thing, me recapping episodes of Glee (beyond the usual TV jumble thing) but seeing as this episode, titled New Directions was the second part of a two parter (of sorts) with 100, here goes nothing, folks.

My Girl Wants To: Party All The Time, y'all. I was not expecting a version of Eddie Murphy's 1985 hit being sang by Holly Holliday in the best music number of the episode but hats off to the episode for this little treat nonetheless. I'm not sure if this episode actually needed either Holly or April (aside from them being an infectious double act), especially given that once again Emma, Beiste and Figgins were all absent (what's up with that?) but when these ladies aren't hitting up gay cruises, can they please make an appearance at NYADA in the near future? Go on, RIB, you know you want to.

Friends Again: Thanks to some audience manipulation courtesy of Kurt, Mercedes and mostly, Brittany, this episode finally put an end to Rachel and Santana's ongoing feud. I have to admit that I'm relieved as I don't think the show could've sustained this for much longer and while the girls duet left me a little cold (oddly enough), the episode also resulted in Santana and Brittany getting back together. I'm guessing with Demi Lovato not being around long enough and audience craving for Brittana as much as Klaine, this was an inevitability. Ah, no, I'm pleased with Santana and Brittany back together and both Rivera and Morris had some lovely moments throughout the episode.

Goodbye In So Many Ways: This episode really was saying goodbye to a lot of things. The remaining kids have all graduated, the Glee club has been disbanded, McKinley is no more (for the show) and in some ways, this could also be the last time we really see Will or Sue again (or maybe not). Ultimately this episode actually felt like a series finale, even with the kids delivering some lovely tribute videos to Will and belting out Don't Stop Believing. In a lot of ways, this show really could've ended full stop with this episode. It's going to be interesting to see how the remaining 31 episodes left are going to end the show in a satisfying way because this episode really could've done it.

C.H.U.M.S: Other things I wasn't expecting this episode was Tina bumping her head and imagining that life in New York was akin to Friends, which has been gone for a decade now even if the excess repeats would make you think otherwise. It was an amusing enough sequence and a lot better than Blaine, Sam and Artie's Loser Like Me rendition. However the episode resulted in Tina actually getting into Brown, so it looks like she won't be going to the Big Apple just yet. Interesting enough, will the likes of Kitty, Marley, Jake, Ryder or Unique show up there either? This episode also looked like it could be the end for them. As for the Kurt/Blaine gif - it was another highlight of the episode.

Quick Reunion: Sorry, Faberry fans but Quinn and Puck really are back together and there was no better way of making that known than by telling everyone in the auditorium you're dating again and performing Just Give Me A Reason for good measure, in case anyone was confused. It'll be interesting to see if they're both still together the next time we see them onscreen but either way, I'm not too fussed about them being back together, though they had some nice moments here.

Glee continues to air Tuesdays at 8pm on FOX while Sky1 will air the second half of the fifth season later in the year.

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