Monday, April 28, 2014

Snyder To Helm Justice League Movie

If you weren't apprehensive about Zach Snyder directing the upcoming Batman Vs. Superman movie, well here's another reason to be, er worried ...

He's also going to be directing a Justice League movie (who didn't see this one coming?) alongside working on Batman Vs. Superman. However, while cinema goes can see Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck as the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight in 2016, it will be longer before the Justice League hits the cinemas - possibly as long as 2017 for instance.

Already Snyder is generating some doubts from fans over merging two superheroes together for a movie so really would merging several more be any worse? I guess only time will tell really on this one.


Batman Vs. Superman will be in cinemas from May 6th 2016.

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