Thursday, May 22, 2014

True Blood - Season 7 Official Trailer

Sookie: They're coming for every goddamn human in this town!

With a month to go (exactly), a full trailer for the seventh and final season of True Blood has been released and it looks like things are going to get really messy in Bon Temps.

The opening episode, Jesus Gonna Be Here will take place straight from the previous season finale and while the Hep V vampires are certainly going to be a prominent presence in the last season, they may not be the actual threat of the season. Instead, we'll see whether or not humans and vampire can get along with each other as they become more entwined with each other due to Sam's new arrangement as Mayor of Bon Temps.

However the vampires do pose a threat as they seem to be increasing and attacking everyone and we do get to see some violent confrontations with them and the main characters in the trailer. Tara is even seen taking a few of them out as is new regular Violet as well. In terms of a baddie, one hasn't definitely been named beyond a character named Mr. Gus (Will Yun Lee).

Not only that but we also seem to be seeing certain members of Bon Temps (Maxine for example) getting a little trigger happy while other members of the community also seem to be holding Sookie responsible for the current carnage that's happening. In the second episode, I Found You, both Sookie and Jason investigate another town in order to find a clue about the ongoing madness this season.

As for returning characters - aside from the main cast, recent reports have suggested that we will be seeing Sarah Crabtree (Newlin) once again as well as Lettie Mae and even Adele in a rather cryptic flashback or dream sequence along with some new blood. However according to Brian Buckner, the focus will be mostly on our core characters for the final year, which makes sense and should also mean no superfluous subplots that have hindered previous seasons as well.

As for other spoilers - expect Jessica to continue to make amends with Andy and Adilyn, a Bill/Sookie/Alcide triangle, Eric to be alive (was there any doubt?), Bill to seek redemption along with Lettie Mae not having Hep V (phew) as well as the deaths of some of the show's favourite characters as well. I have to admit the trailer didn't initially blow me away when I first watched it a few days ago but now, the last season is looking rather exciting.

Season 7 Trailer:

True Blood - Season 7 will air on HBO Sundays at 9pm from June 22nd and Mondays at 9pm on FOXUK from July 7th.

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