Friday, November 14, 2014

Recap/Review: How To Get Away With Murder's 1x04: Let's Get To Scooping

This was the episode that had nine words that were hyped to death and out of the four I've seen so far, it's certainly the most interesting episode we've gotten too.

Written by Erika Green Swafford
Directed by Laura Innes

Take Off Your Clothes: I'm not gonna lie. Part of the reason why this episode became my favourite (for the time being) was the huge focus on Connor that we got here. In flashforwards he might have been humming Christmas song in a creepy manner and telling Michaela to get scooping, but after getting rid of Sam's body, he had a proper meltdown at Oliver's place when he showed up at an ungodly hour. In the present day, it seemed like him and Oliver were getting that bit closer and were about to go beyond being purely about casual sex and hacking skills until Oliver realised that Connor was playing away. Leading to the next bit.

Eyes Watered: I'm not sure what Connor exactly did to pretty assistant boy, Pax's (Niko Pepaj) backside to make his eyes water but for a network show, it's nice to see them trying to push the boundaries with Connor's sex scenes. Connor's romping Pax for information might have cost him his relationship with Oliver and literally Pax's life (that I didn't see coming), but damn, that was one hell of a sexy scene. If the writers of Looking wants tips to write for the likes of Agustin better, then Connor is a perfect template for a well defined bad boy. He's also the best character on the show at the moment and Jack Falahee has been quite a find for the series.

Why Is Your Penis On A Dead Girl's Phone: Now, there's an interesting question. I think what worked about this scene was the delivery of those nine words by Annalise to Sam, just moments after we see the former remove her makeup, eyelashes and wig. The fact that Bastille and Naughty Boy's No-One's Here To Sleep playing in the background certainly heightened the scene as well, because truthfully it's not shocking that Sam was sleeping with Lila and it's also not shocking that Annalise discovered this as well. That being said though, and I'm trying not to get sucked into hyperbole mode here, it's definitely an Emmy nominated worthy scene for Viola Davis.

Group Dynamics: This episode was a lot more fun with the group as well. While Wes was continuing to do his level best to keep helping Rebecca (who was less annoying in this episode, but I'm still not fond of her), Bonnie managed to acquire evidence of coercion, which at least got Rebecca out of prison on bail for the time being but the real fun of the episode was actually watching the core five students interrogate various members of the case of the week's company with some pretty interesting and comedic results. I also quite like the fact that Michaela seemed suspicious of both Wes and Laurel and that Asher did something useful. The Frank/Laurel thing though, I'm not that particularly interested in.

Top To Bottom: This week's case was actually the most entertaining so far. It might have been because Elizabeth Perkins (formerly of Weeds) put a lot of spirit into her character, Marron, was brazenly unapologetic about making a sex tape with an employee but also seemed to have a personal history and decent insight into Annalise and her trust issues. The reveal of Pax and two other disgruntled employees trying to bring down Marron wasn't too shocking but along with Pax's shocking suicide and the downfall of the other two, this was one case of the week that certainly held my attention.

Next week, the focus shifts onto Laurel and Annalise takes on the case of a killer teenager.


  1. Your comment about Connor and pretty boy had me laughing. Look I don't know of such things, but even I had a pretty darned good idea - and of course it wasn't traditional because lets face it, that wouldn't bring on his unusual reaction. Anyway. Nuff said. LOL!

    The only thing about this ep that I hated was the scene where he commits suicide. He seemed to pause long enough for someone to stop him, and I was disappointed that noone did. Even Connor who shared 'whatever he shared' with him seemed distant and uncaring. They shouldn't have panned in on Connors face, noticing the boy positioning himself in the window. It made him look cold hearted. But alas, thats why we need Oliver, I suppose. To humanize Connor.

  2. I'm not sure if this is the ep where Annalise peals her wig off. (It's been a while since I watched) But I thought that was an emotionally brave moment. It was symbolic in a way. Just being vulnerable and taking off her armour. Peeling away everything that makes her a visual force to reckoned with. (Successful, beautiful, strong and fierce) It was shocking. Practically every show on TV depicts their leading ladies, straight out of bed with a full face on. Esp with women, you dont see bed hair (like REAL bed hair, not just sexy time hair), hairy legs/pits, eye bags, flawed faces, etc.. This was impactful. This is what we all look and feel like when life has punched us in the gut. Real women dont walk around dolled up in the face of tragedy as most shows seem to think.
