Monday, June 15, 2015

Walk Of Atonement

Summer television is a little slow but with some shows ending, others have started up to fill the void though.

Game Of Thrones: I think it's safe to say that while the fifth season has not been the show's best season, it has definitely been as discussion worthy and controversial as the previous four have been though. Cersei's downfall was something that had been coming for a long time and it only made sense that her attempts of getting rid of Margaery would also backfire on her. The much talked about walk of shame scene was dealt with pretty well and it'll be interesting to see how she'll come back from that next season. Also interesting will be to see if Jon will be a part of the next season considering what happened to him here along with the various cliffhangers surrounding Daenerys, Sansa/Theon, Arya. This might not have been the show's strongest but it was still an interesting ten weeks nonetheless.

Humans: The remake of the popular Swedish sci-fi drama has finally aired on Channel 4 (soon for AMC viewers) and things got off to an interesting start with the Synths proving to be both helpful and potentially dangerous in equal measures. Most of the first episode focused on the eerie Anita and Laura being openly suspicious of her while we also saw a rather touching father/son relationship between widower George and his broken Synth Odi - something I hope we get more in later episodes as well. The subplot with Leo and his Synth Max was a nice way of setting up the wider storyline too. All in all, let's hope this show doesn't end up having the same fate that Utopia did not so long ago.

Orange Is The New Black: It's been an interesting week (or so) for Netflix what with both Sense8 and the return of this show and both have been great to catch up with. Granted, I've only seen the first two episodes of both shows current seasons and keeping with Litchfield, things are as crazy as ever. I loved the opening episode focusing on various Mother's Day flashbacks (even Healey was awarded one) and the focus on Bennett in the second episode when Alex wasn't learning of Piper's role in her current predicament was also good. Along with the unlikely friendship with Big Boo and Doggett, this is a great start to the third season.

Scandal: SkyLiving caught up in relative time to air the final episode of this show's current season and in some ways, it felt like a bit of a clearing of the decks. B613 seems to be effectively done with now that Rowan's in jail as Eli (very clever that), Jake stepped aside so that Olivia and Fitz could get closer and both Mellie and Cyrus got booted out the White House as well for good measure. Now whether or not all of these things stick when the show returns in September, I don't know but it would be nice to see some of them stick so the show can properly move forward though.

- Sean Maguire and Rebecca Mader have been upgraded to regulars for Once Upon A Time's fifth season. Casting calls are also being made for Merlin, Arthur and Guinevere too.
- Supergirl will now air on October 26th. The Pilot will also air at Comic Con next month as well.
- Rumours are circulating that The X Files will be doing a sequel to a popular story when it comes back in January.
- Barry will get a new love interest for Season 2 of The Flash.
- Andrew Gower will be one of many several new actors viewers can expect to see in the second season of Outlander.
- Empire will have a recurring female rapper to be mentored by Jamal.
- Fame is getting a reboot on Lifetime.
- Cristine Rose will be reprising her role as Angela Petrelli in Heroes: Reborn.
- Homer and Marge will split up and Sideshow Bob will get to kill Bart in The Simpsons.
- Ron Cowen and Daniel Lipman are considering a reboot of Queer As Folk US.

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