Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Star Trek Revival: Bryan Fuller Named As Co-Showrunner

Although it won't hit screens until another year and we're probably a bit off from casting yet, CBS did announce more details about their upcoming Star Trek reboot.

Along with Alex Kurtzman, it's now been revealed that Bryan Fuller will be serving a co-showrunner for the upcoming series. Fuller's credits include Dead Like Me, Pushing Daisies, Hannibal and the upcoming adaptation of Neil Gaiman's American Gods for Starz will be running the show. Fuller of course is both a fan of the franchise and has also written for previous spin-offs Deep Space Nine and Voyager.

I have to admit (and you can probably tell) that I do find Fuller's appointment to the series to be an interesting enough one. He's got some good ideas for shows but his writing has been rather niche in parts and with something like Star Trek, he might need to be a little more mainstream minded but his clear enthusiasm for the franchise and prior experience actually writing for it should definitely work in his favour.

As for casting, it's going to be interesting to see who will captain this version of the enterprise, what the subtitle for the show will be and whether or not it'll fare better than the last show Star Trek: Enterprise, which ran for four seasons on the now defunct UPN between 2001-2005 or even the current movie franchise since 2009.

One potential problem ahead of the series is the method that CBS intend to air the series. I'm not sure if relegating it to the online service such as All Access is the wisest of ideas, even if we do live in a culture where Netflix and Amazon are growing in popularity for television shows.

Press Release:

The upcoming Star Trek series is slated to air on CBS All Access from early 2017.

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