Friday, May 20, 2016

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 1x16: "Legendary"

Written by Greg Berlanti & Chris Fedak & Phil Klemmer & Marc Guggenheim
Directed by Dermott Downs

Rex (to the gang): "My name is Rex Tyler. I'm a member of the Justice Society of America."

And as this episode finally did us a solid and finally got rid of Vandal Savage, it also made sure we came for seconds with the arrival of Hourman. If you follow me on Twitter, that particular character was someone I did mention in relation to Patrick J. Adams heroic mystery character and I'm rather pleased with being right.

The more interesting part was the fact that Rex Tyler rocked up because it was Mick who called for his services instead of Rip and also the fact that Rex seemed adamant that none of the gang stepped inside the Waverider. All in all, a little scene lasting less than two minutes set up a lot to look forward to in relation to the next season.

As for this season, well it certainly ended on an interesting note. Vandal Savage hasn't been the great of villains (marginally less terrible than Non, way behind on Damien Darhk and Zoom) but this episode not only upped his lunacy but it also brought about his much deserved downfall. Having Mick, Sara, Kendra and Rip in the periods of 1958, 1975 and 2021 band together and kill the villain off three times over was the best way of getting rid of Savage.

As a villain, Vandal certainly won't be missed and despite some frustrating moments, this was truly an excellent exit for the character. However, it wasn't the only exit as Kendra and Carter ultimately decided to leave the Waverider as well. It's a shame the characters didn't work out as well as they should've done but I think their exit was for the best and with two new regulars stepping in next season and a whole new mission statement, we'll probably see the two of them again along with a certain chilly anti-hero/total hero as well.

Of course when this episode wasn't resolving the Savage storyline and setting up next season's plot with Rex's arrival as well we had some more emotional content to deal with. Mick struggling with losing Snart was nicely handled as well as Clarissa and Jax persuading Stein to pursue his wanderlust. Of course, Sara's reaction to learning that Laurel was dead from Quentin was heartbreaking but it was something we needed to see. I liked that Quentin also encouraged Sara to keep travelling as well.

- We got see Leonard in a brief scene where Mick told him he was a hero. Mick also considered Rip a friend too. How brilliant has Mick's characterisation been this season?
- The CW originally considered doing an Hourman series a few years ago. That's partly why I suspected we were going to get Rex Tyler on the show.
- Thanager invasion was somewhat set up as well. Looking forward to that next season.
- Loads of times here - 1944 France, 1958, 1975, 2016 (January and May) and 2021.

There has been some up and downs and all that but in the end, Legendary served as a truly satisfying way of ending the first season, putting to bed the Savage arc while setting up more interesting ones for the next season. We might not have everyone back full time next but we still have plenty of reasons to tune in again though.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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