Thursday, December 29, 2016

Doctor Who - Series 10 Trailer: First Look

While I was a little disappointed with The Return Of Doctor Mysterio, I was however a little more intrigued with the trailer we got at the end of the episode for the upcoming tenth series of Doctor Who.

My Name Is: Bill Potts. This is the full name of Pearl Mackie's more grounded (compared to Clara and Nardole) companion and this trailer revealed that she works in a canteen serving chips while sneaking into lectures. There's elements of Ace, Rose and Donna in Bill, which could definitely work in the character's favour and Bill certainly asks a lot of questions. The rapport between the Doctor, Bill and Nardole should be interesting to see unfold this series.

Power Packs At The Ready: It seems the first episode, A Star In Her Eye will not only deal with puddle like creatures possessing people but it also looks like we're getting an extended look at that Friend From The Future scene where the Doctor, Bill and Nardole will not only encounter a Dalek but also maybe the Morvellans (last seen in Destiny Of The Daleks) going by this trailer alone. Not the first time the show has brought one of the lesser races but will they be stuck in a stalement with the Daleks yet again?

Totes Emoji: The trailer for the new series has some newer monsters on offer as well, including these strange looking emoji like robots from episode 2. There's also a glimpse of a blue skinned alien from Jamie Mathieson's episode 5 and a wooden creature sneaking around the place as well. No signs of Missy in the trailer but then again, Michelle Gomez's return was only filmed prior to The Return Of Doctor Mysterio airing.

Guests Ahoy: It seems the upcoming series will have it's fair share of familiar faces. Sarah Dollard's historical episode 3 will feature Nicholas Burns while The Haunted Hub (written by Mike Bartlett) boasts an appearance from David Suchet and Kieran Bew will show up in episode 5. Heading into the last few episodes of filming, I'm hoping some bigger guests will also be announced.

The Power Of Three: I just realised that this will be the first series since Series 6 where we will have the Doctor with two companions from start to finish. Can the dynamic between the 12th Doctor, Bill and Nardole be a successful one? I have my reservations on Nardole as a character but I do like the idea of a non human companion (though human looking) travelling with the Doctor and Bill though. It's certainly been a while, hasn't it?

Series 10 Trailer:

Series 10 of Doctor Who continues filming from next month onwards and will air Spring 2017 on both BBC1 and BBCAmerica.


  1. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I left some comments on your Christmas movie entries recently but don't see them; has there been trouble with comments getting through?

  2. I've just been trying to get used to some of blogger's changes, so I had to look for your comments. They should be up now.
