Thursday, March 23, 2017

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 2x15: "Fellowship Of The Spear"

Written by Keto Shimizu & Matthew Maala
Directed by Ben Bray

Mick: "I wish things could've been different, Sara."

After watching this episode, so do I. It's like you know watching that everything was about to go spectacularly wrong but you couldn't stop it nonetheless. Maybe if the gang had given Mick a bit more credit or had gone with Amaya's plan instead, things might not have turned out to be the disaster area they did.

Except none of those things happened and instead not only do we have a pre-Waverider version of Snart alive and kicking with the Legion of Doom but Mick's also joined them and the lot of them ended the episode with the Spear of Destiny in their possession and history about to get one hell of a makeover given the trailer for next week's episode.

I know the gang haven't always taken Mick seriously or been wary of his past but it seemed like this episode really overemphasised that point just for him to switch teams at the very end. Even Snart's needling of his worth to the crew seemed like the sort of thing that he would've otherwise been able to have fought off.

That said, much as I didn't enjoy seeing Mick throw in his lot with the bad guys (especially soon after Rip being brainwashed by them), I did enjoy all of his scenes with Snart again. I've missed Snart as a character and while I'm not getting my hopes up yet that we'll have him back as a regular next season, just seeing him again was a delight to have.

As for the gang, I knew the moment that things were starting off well for them (them stealing from Thawne at the Vanishing Point) that things would sooner go wrong for them. The temptation with the history changing Spear to one side, the gang also had to pull in the services of JRR Tolkien (Jack Turner) to locate Sir Gawain's body in order to find the blood of Christ.

I did like the use of Tolkien a little more than George Lucas earlier in the season but I think it was down to the guest actor being somewhat stronger and fitting in more naturally to the WW1 background along with the references to his work being a little more subtle in their references too. Oh and some good chemistry between him and Rip too.

- I liked that Amaya talked to Sara about looking into her future. I also liked the mentions of Laurel and Mari in this one too.
- Rip likes himself some jellybeans and Jax was able to transmute some for him at the start of the episode.
- Anyone want to guess which famous writer/director we'll get next season? I wouldn't be surprised if it's George RR Martin next.
- Chronology: 1918 France for nearly all of the episode.

Fellowship Of The Spear had some good moments but it was a bit of a frustrating episode to watch as well. I knew the League had to get that spear but it felt a bit contrived how the gang somewhat alienated themselves from Mick but with two episodes to go, there's still time to save the universe from whatever the League have intended for it.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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