Thursday, March 29, 2018

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 3x16: "I, Ava"

Written by Ray Utarnachitt & Daphne Miles
Directed by Dean Choe

Sara: "Ava, you're real. You're as real as I feel about you."

Three episodes ago, Rip revealed in his own not helpful way that there was something about Ava that no-one could find out. Needless to say, we were going to find it out and we did in an episode that wasted no time in making references to both Orphan Black and Attack Of The Clones in it's usual manner.

Having Ava being a clone from 2213 Vancouver was a little better than the android theory I had thought of and that was even mulled over here but the episode didn't explain why Rip specifically picked this version of Ava to head up the Time Bureau. Is she the original copy or the only clone that has a sense of awareness about her? Will this be something that is resolved in the next episodes or left for next season? It's not a big deal for now but it's hopefully something we won't wait too long to uncover either.

I did think Jes McCallan did a good job this week in portraying our Ava's realisation of her true origins and it was certainly amusing watching Sara and Ava fight the latter's clones while Gary and Ray were somewhat flailing around for good measure as well. Overall, it's an interesting enough backstory for Ava but if anything, it's probably done more to bring her and Sara closer to each other than to drive them apart, so AvaLance shippers should be pleased with this one.

Of course, it wasn't just Ava (x1000s) that took centre stage this week as well. Kuasa got something of a short shrift in the redemption stakes as the moment she stepped up to help the gang and save Nate was also the same one where Nora killed her and took the water totem in the process. I was hoping for Kuasa to be redeemed but not for it to result in death though.

However with Kuasa's unfortunate demise, the episode then ended with Amaya taking a trip back to Zambesi in order to save her grandchildren one more time. Yes, it was a reckless thing for Amaya to do and it's certainly playing into Mallus's own scheme as well in some way but I do think the episode did a good job of building towards Amaya making the choice she did at the end of this one.

As for the rest of the episode, I did enjoy seeing Zari giving Mick one hell of a lesson in totems during her fasting for Ramadan. Mick chose the wrong time to get on Zari's wick and she totally took him down a few bits. Saying that though, their later scene when they both sensed Kuasa's death was pretty poignant too and while they weren't involved in the two main stories this week, their scenes didn't feel like filler either.

- Damien literally couldn't torture Nate this week because he realised that Mallus possessing Nora was a bad idea. I guess he'll be grudgingly helping the Legends soon.
- I was going to lament about Grodd being a no show again but it looks like he's back next week to go after a certain former president.
- Wally commenting on Nate's body. Little bit of a man crush there, Wally? Does Gary also have a crush on Ava too?
- Chronology: 2213 Vancouver and 2018 Detroit. At this rate, they might as well recast Mari and be done with it.

I, Ava offered a good backstory to a character I wasn't initially fussed on but have grown to like over the course of the season and while a world full of Avas wouldn't be my idea of paradise, it did make for an engaging episode nonetheless.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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