Thursday, September 27, 2018

My Review of American Horror Story: Apocalypse - Forbidden Fruit

Written by Manny Coto
Directed by Loni Peristere

Madison (to Mallory): "Surprise bitch. Bet you thought you saw the last of me."

Fine, let's call it then - Madison and Mallory are evidently sisters then. If the first two episodes have been lacking on the Coven end of the crossover bargain, then this episode somewhat made up for things as it ended with the arrivals of Cordelia, Madison and Myrtle showing up to Outpost Three to resurrect Coco, Mallory and Dinah.

The beginning of this episode signposted that Mallory and Dinah were witches - the former quite blatantly during her confrontation with Michael but the latter with a little more subtlety, implying at a former agreement that was held with the two of them. As for Coco, well this episode just maintained her vacuous nature until Brock put a knife into her skull, so her being a witch might be a surprise by comparison.

Michael's scheming in this episode was rather delightful but despite coming up with the poisonous bobbing for apples scheme that killed everyone else, I don't believe we're done with them quite yet. I won't really miss Andre (he's a bit of a whinger, isn't he?) but I can't see Gallant, Timothy, Emily or even Venable remaining dead for the rest of the season.

Venable in particular really got exploited as the monkey rather than the organ grinder here. Michael kept being a step ahead of her, making her think she was plotting to kill the survivors with her Hallloween soiree and even Meade soon realised that her loyalty was with Michael rather than Wilhemina. The fact that Michael has Meade programmed with the essence of a certain someone was a nice nod too.

As for the rest of the episode, it mostly felt like filler. We know that Timothy and Emily were saved from being executed by the Fist (yes, that's what torturer lady is called), Brock got his way into Outpost Three to kill his ex, so he's still a loose cannon in the place and Gallant might feel a twinge of angst for killing his grandmother. Oh and Andre has mommy issues to match his whiny personality. That more or less covers it really.

At least with the arrival of Cordelia, Madison and Myrtle, the witch element is nicely in place as Michael's plan to take them all out clearly didn't go to plan. How are Madison and Myrtle alive and where is Zoe? I'm also assuming we won't have to wait too long for Misty and Queenie to re-enter the fray as well. One should hope not.

- Looks like we're meeting some warlocks next week, going by the debut of a character in the trailer. We still have yet to meet Cheyenne Jackson's regular this season as well.
- Torturer lady/The Fist used to run a nutritional blog before joining the outpost. That little tidbit of information cracked me up.
- Loved the false memories we saw of Meade from 1963, 1968 and 1988, each Halloween as well.
- Chronology: Halloween 2021 it would seem.

Forbidden Fruit had it's moments of lagging a little, but it certainly picked up the pace from the first two episodes and finally having the witches in the mix should hopefully elevate the rest of the season. I'm also hoping we get out of that outpost in the next few episodes as well.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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