Tuesday, October 30, 2018

My Review of How To Get Away With Murder's 5x05: "It Was The Worst Day Of My Life"

Written by Michael Russo
Directed by Laura Innes

Annalise (re Ronald): "We don't even if he can handle this."
Bonnie: "I'll call you as soon as I'm done. I promise"

An episode by some halves in a way. On one hand, it seems like we're moving forward with Bonnie trying to get some answers about her missing son from her sister but on the other hand, we still don't know if for certain said son is actually Gabriel.

This week we saw Gabriel and Laurel bonding over absentee parental figures while working the face case together and despite the blatant flirting with the pair of them, at least Laurel was quick to realise that something was up with Gabriel and promptly confronted Frank about his own interest in Gabriel's past. Not that I think it won't stop the show from eventually going there with Laurel and Gabriel though.

As for Bonnie - I liked that even though she had her moments of broodiness and confronted Nate over what he did, she didn't entirely wallow in self pity. She confided in Ronald about her past and even let him accompany her when she went to confront her sister. I knew Bonnie's past was dark but this episode highlighted just how dark it really was. Her parents really were evil personified.

Moving away from the Bonnie plot this week, the other main focus was largely on Nate Sr's trial and I did think that things were going to go south with this storyline. We had Annalise getting her class to try and point out where things went wrong while also dealing with a heated scene with Connor and Gabriel to boot.

Things however did turn out for the best though for Nate Sr and there was a nice scene where he forgave Nate for their past. Of course the biggest thing to come out of this episode is that Annalise has now attracted the attention of a governor (Laura Innes) who wants to see if the former has the balls to call her out to her face. Now this has some potential for excellent drama in the next few episodes.

In terms of the wedding flashback, Oliver is still a no show but we know that Asher is safe. Saying that, given that Connor had the misfortune to catch his friend in a compromising position with his mother, I'm not sure if Asher will be safe for much longer. Seriously, Asher? Isn't there a bro code for this sort of thing?

- Asher and Michaela are also having sex on the side when they weren't pretending to be organising a double stag do for Connor and Oliver. Connor also didn't seem happy with Oliver inviting their mothers to visit before the wedding.
- No Tegan or Emmett this week and while I enjoy the former, I really didn't miss the latter. Laura Innes who played the governor in this episode also directed this one.
- Standout music: YK's Osiris during that awkward scene with Asher and Michaela.
- Chronology: A month before the big event.

It Was The Worst Day Of My Life did feel a little treading water but was also a bit of an improvement on last week. I'm guessing we'll see Oliver alive in the next two episodes, so I'm not worried about his fate for now. Still think it'll be Ronald or possibly Julie who will be dead person, given that Bonnie seems to be the focal point of these flashforwards though.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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