Thursday, November 01, 2018

My Review of American Horror Story: Apocalypse - Sojourn

Written by Josh Green
Directed by Bradley Buecker

Madeline: "You're the Antichrist."
Michael: "But nobody gave me an instruction manual."

As we head towards the end of the season, do we really need what essentially amounts to a filler episode when we should be getting back to the present day? Apparently we do and it's a good job that Cody Fern is such a talented actor and that Michael is engaging enough as a character to carry this off, otherwise this episode really would've been insufferable to watch.

Things begin with Michael realising that Cordelia has killed off his allies and when she wasn't lording it over Michael, she tried to reason with him. For a flicker of a moment, it almost appeared as though Michael might have been tempted but he soon told Cordelia that he planned to get back at her for her murder of his allies and placing Meade's soul somewhere out of his reach.

For the rest of the episode, we had Michael in self doubt with his father being no help at all until Michael found himself encountering a group of Satanists and befriending one of them named Madeline, as played by Harriet Samson Harris. Madeline took on a similar role to Meade for Michael, bolstering his confidence and ultimately leading him to a path of Silicon Valley guys, who had at least one use between them.

Finding other roles for Evan Peters and Billy Eichner, we got to see the two of them played coked out morons Jeff and Mutt, who when they weren't pissing off Ms Venable (yup, she appeared again, dressed in purple), actually did Michael a solid by constructing the robotic Ms Meade for him. Personally speaking while Evan and Billy were fine in the roles as such, would it have killed Murphy to have gotten two other actors (with less ridiculous wigs) for these roles? Just a thought perhaps.

Anyways, between the parodies of Satanism groups with Sandra Bernhand as a leader and those awful Silicon Valley lads, it was mostly Michael's journey for getting his evil groove back that dominated the episode. It's down to Fern's performance as an actor that essentially carried this one if we're being candid here.

- Interesting that Michael got tempted with an underwear model wearing angel at one point in this episode when there wasn't menacing kids and a goat that ended up spewing out snakes when killed.
- I don't entirely get how powerful enough Cordelia was that she was able to hide Meade's soul somewhere Michael couldn't reach.
- Apparently making a deal with the devil means you can get Ryan Reynolds on a Thursday or a Friday. Does he come with a Deadpool costume?
- Chronology: From where Traitor left off.

Sojourn is easily the weakest episode of the season and definitely reeked off filler, even if it did give us a pre-apocalypse version of Venable and the origins of the Meade bot. Had this episode been a little earlier in the season, it might have worked a little more but alas, it wasn't.

Rating: 6 out of 10

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