Thursday, November 15, 2018

My Review of American Horror Story: Apocalypse - Apocalypse Then

Written by Ryan Murphy & Brad Falchuk
Directed by Bradley Buecker

Myrtle (to Cordelia): "It appears as though we're fucked my dear."

Well, this has certainly been a rollercoaster of a rather flashback heavy season that even this episode spent a quarter of it's time explaining to us why Coco and Mallory had the personalities they had while they were in Outpost 3. The fact that Coco's new personality was somewhat based on Madison did make me laugh of course.

While we probably didn't need that trip down memory lane, it was nice to see Myrtle open the episode with a fleeting interaction with the likes of Venable, Jeff and Mutt to secure Coco and Mallory's places at Outpost 3 while Madison became an Uber driver and had vengeance in mind for Dinah, following her deduction of the latter betraying the witches to Michael.

Dinah getting her comeuppance in this episode was somewhat glorious with Cordelia teaming up with Nan in order to extract Marie Laveau from hell in order to send Dinah right there. With every other Coven character appearing this season, I'm somewhat surprised they didn't find a way to slip Fiona into the mix but it seems Marie was quickly sent back to hell when she tried to hold Michael off though.

Speaking of Michael - he did his villainous gloating and watched as Cordelia killed off the Meade robot while at the same time he also killed off Madison, Marie and Coco without barely tensing a muscle but it was Cordelia's own self sacrifice that helped Mallory rise to the supremacy that the show has been going on about for weeks now.

Mallory's genius plan for stopping Michael meant going back to 2015 and mowing him down with an SUV a good few times. Plans wise, it was a bit crude but it seemed to do the trick as a frustrated Constance watched her grandson die and did nothing to alleviate his suffering. Michael was a fun antagonist for this season but can you really kill the Antichrist and prevent the end of days?

The obvious answer to that one would be no, as we learn in 2020 when Timothy and Emily from earlier in the season meet up under different circumstances, fall in love, have a kid and soon enough, when the kid reached three, the babysitter died. The ending with Meade, Anton and the other Satanist proved that the cycle will continue again.

As for Mallory - well, she did save the world and somehow managed to prevent both Zoe and Queenie from dying while also getting Nan to release Misty from hell. Bumping off the Antichrist apparently gives you some underworld street cred, but at the same time, Myrtle was never brought back to life and despite her character growth this season, Madison is still stuck in hell. Here's hoping when the apocalypse re-emerges, Madison and Myrtle will be back again.

- Did Myrtle inadvertently inspire Venable's "greys" and "purples" caste system for Outpost 3? Venable might have been trying to save us all with her no sex policy after all.
- What was with Dinah and Queenie's wigs in this episode? Queenie's looked especially bad.
- Nan continues to love being in hell. It's also nice to see that LaLaurie is continuing to suffer there as well.
- Chronology: October 2021 for the main event, before we went back to 2015 and then both 2020 and 2024.

Apocalypse Then had the task to wrap this fun but flawed season up and while I thought it might have struggled to do so, it did a good job in doing. I do wonder with the ending here, are we being set up for a sequel series? I think after the OTT stylings of this year, we might need a more stripped theme for next season but I wouldn't mind revisiting the end of days on this show again though.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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