Tuesday, November 20, 2018

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 4x05: "Tagumo Attacks!!!"

Written by Keto Shimizu & Ubah Mohammed
Directed by Alexandra La Roche

Sara: "Guys, we're gonna need a bigger time ship."

Never mind a bigger time ship. An episode that decides to mix in the lore of Japanese monster monsters with a bit of Celtic goddess, St Brigid is going to be a winner for me. How the hell does the show come up with these frankly bonkers ideas?

Again, it's one of those things that shouldn't work in the slightest but when you have Sara, Mick, Zari and Charlie in Tokyo trying to find a giant octopus creature named Tagumo, they find themselves in the midst of a monster movie being filmed and a director's creativity getting the better of him.

I liked that Shiro was less of a baddie and more of an unfortunate guy whose creativity just got out of hand surrounding his monster creation. It was great seeing Sara show him some compassion and the team up with Sara and Charlie this week in order to shrink Tagumo was highly amusing, along with the two of them finding some common ground with each other.

However it was Zari who got Mick to embrace his creative side in order to save the day though. I didn't know we needed a three breasted warrior to defeat Tagumo but seemingly we did and the fact that this episode tapped into Mick's creative side to deal with the main threat was brilliant. This is another episode in a row where we haven't needed to send the baddies to hell in order to deal with them. It probably helped that Constantine was otherwise in dispose as well.

This week, Constantine mostly sat this one out as Ray got Nora to try and help. Nora seemed uneasy about helping Constantine out at first, due to her efforts to try and not give into her own dark streak but it didn't take too long for her to actually help John out and get a vision of the man who he's hiding from. The more surprising part was seeing Nora turn herself into the Time Bureau, but given her determination to reform, it's probably the best thing she could do for a while.

Keeping with the Time Bureau this week - I guess Mona will be a member now. While I'm not too sold on the character just yet and think she might be one regular too many, at least this episode showed that she has some ability to control creatures, which Hank will clearly be using to his advantage as the last scene hinted at a Project Hades.

Having Hank being shady was something that I did see coming and of course, the show would reveal it just as Nate's relationship with his father was in a better place. Speaking of Nate as well - I am enjoying the friendship with him and Ava this season and the Thanksgiving scenes were delightfully chaotic as well. I wouldn't mind seeing more of Nate's grandmother in a later episode too.

- Are the show going with a potential pairing with Gary and Mona? Not the pairing I want and they do seem a bit too tonally similar to each other if I'm being honest.
- On the other hand, I could get behind a potential Mick./Charlie pairing and we all know Ray/Nora aren't far off from happening either.
- The man after John I'm convinced is a recast Papa Midnite. I loved that the episode had the title sequence written in Japanese as well.
- Chronology: 1951 Tokyo and Thanksgiving 2018.

Tagumo Attacks!!! was another delightfully madcap episode. I loved the mixing of Japanese monsters with Celtic goddess, the show tapping into Mick's creativity, Charlie's natural inclusion into the team and all the Ray/Nora/Constantine scenes this week. I am hoping the Project Hades isn't the show's attempt of doing an Initiative story but if it is, then I hope it's better handled.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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