Saturday, January 19, 2019

My Review of How To Get Away With Murder's 5x09: "He Betrayed Us Both"

Written by Daniel Robinson
Directed by John Terlesky

Eve (re Sam): "He never deserved you, Annalise."

Of all the characters to bring back in this episode, Eve undoubtedly was the most welcome of returns. I loved the character back in the second season and her brief appearance in the third season was also good. With Annalise at a particular low point here, Eve's return couldn't be any more welcome.

This episode picked up from where the mid-season finale left off as Annalise and Gabriel confronted each other on the latter being Sam's son. I mentioned in my last review that I felt this storyline was something that should've been done about two seasons ago. I stand by that assertion as the episode raked over Wes killing Sam yet again with Gabriel wanting more answers on his father's death.

While Gabriel told Annalise that he just wanted to get to know her, a later conversation with an unknown person the other end of a phone call clearly indicated otherwise. Then there's everyone else reacting to the news of Gabriel being Sam's offspring with the usual predicted reaction. I have to admit Oliver's quip made me shudder a little, and I'm glad the episode actually had Oliver acknowledge that he might have overstepped with that comment too.

As for the rest of the episode, boy, was this flashback heavy or what? Specifically, Season 2 flashback heavy as Annalise and Sam dealt with the aftermath of losing their son and nearly coming to blows when Annalise considered adopting Christophe while the loss of one son encouraged Sam to try and reach out to another.

It's not shocking that Sam was aware of Gabriel's existence or that he even wanted a relationship with him and Vivian. What is shocking the more we get flashbacks with Sam is how the hell his marriage with Annalise lasted as long as it did. Did the two of them ever love each other at all? It really doesn't seem like it. I do wonder if it's deliberate every time Sam appears in flashback if the writers try to make him more and more unsympathetic and that's in spite of his 'heartfelt' letter trying to reach out to Vivian about Gabriel that thanks to Eve, Annalise is now privy too.

In the present day, Bonnie spent most of her time brooding over the aftermath of Miller's death, which Frank has now become involved in, much to Nate's annoyance. I'll admit between flashbacks and present day stuff, both Bonnie and Frank had some pretty great moments in this episode as the latter also reassured the Keating 5 that Gabriel isn't dead for now. I say for now because there's a chance he might not make it out of the season alive.

- Connor is still mad that Asher copped off with his mother. Asher and Michaela even seemed to be getting a little closer in this one too.
- She might have played a role in her boyfriend's death but Bonnie is a generous tipper, so there's that going in her favour.
- No Tegan or Emmett again this time, but I'm sure they'll be back next week along with the governor storyline.
- Chronology: From where the mid season finale left off.

This was a pretty enjoyable episode. Arguably He Betrayed Us Both did feel a little too flashback heavy for it's own good (some of the scenes could've been trimmed) but in between some great emotional scenes, petty sniping and Eve's welcomed return, this was a pretty engaging episode nonetheless.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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