Monday, February 25, 2019

My Review of Doom Patrol's 1x02: "Donkey Patrol"

Written by Neil Reynolds & Shoshana Sachi
Directed by Dermot Downs

Chief: "Who are you talking to?"
Nobody: "Grant Morrison fans, Reddit trolls with DC subscriptions, and the three new fans who stuck around after the donkey farts."

Dayum, has there ever been a DC TV baddie as scathingly bitchy as Mr Nobody? Probably but he's certainly taking the cake this week as he gloated about our heroes being utter duds before a donkey managed to suck an entire town in Ohio into a vortex with the Chief and Crazy Jane also getting swallowed up for good measure.

Although with Crazy Jane, she's quickly brought back to us when Robotman and Cyborg (Jovian Wade) uneasily worked together in order to nab that farting, black hole causing donkey continued to make itself known. So, who do I talk about first here - Cyborg or Jane? Okay, I'll go with Cyborg then.

Normally you'd expect him to be on Titans (and I wouldn't rule him appearing in the second season of that show) but here he's throwing his lot in with our gang of misfits as flashbacks give us a summation of his accident, mother's death, father's controlling ways and Caulder being something of a positive-ish influence on him. Needless to say, Jovian Wade adds a sense of fun to the character that the DCEU's version whilst enjoyable didn't quite have.

Cyborg also throughout most of the episode manages to clash with Robotman even though they do work together to get Elastiwoman, Negative Man and Cyborg inside the donkey in order to try and find the Chief but mainly to fix the epic damage from the previous episode as well. It's during those scenes that Nobody proves himself to be an utter bastard with the way he tries to decimate the gang, in particular Cyborg - whom he clearly views as a potential threat.

Overall though, Cyborg helps to save the day, earns himself a place with the gang while also rejecting Silas (Phil Morris) offer to make him into something more Godlike. I don't know if we'll spend too much time in the season looking for the Chief, but I guess for now it does give the gang a bit more of an incentive to go up against Mr Nobody as well as wanting to save the world.

As for Jane though - this episode certainly gave Diane Guerrero a lot more to do than the opening as we met both Baby Doll and Katie persona, one being of childlike innocence while the other a somewhat more lethal personality that nearly incinerated Robotman. Cliff does so far seem to be the one bearing the worst of Jane's personalities and we got a comprehensive list of most of them as Cliff looked a little more into her personal history.

As for Rita and Larry - they didn't have as much to do this week but we did get a nice look into their insecurities and despite Rita not wanting to do anything heroic, it was her who went into the donkey when the chips were down while Larry tried to set up some ground rules with his other self as the latter side of him seemed determined to stop Larry from leaving town in a pretty hilarious scene.

- The talking cockroach goes by the name of Ezekiel while Nobody took some pot shots at Reddit fans to name a few of his barbs this week.
- We got some references to both Bruce Wayne and the Justice League in the episode, though I suspect we'll be seeing neither in the show.
- Loved the scene where one of Jane's personas actually made words attack Robotman. You can tell this has been given more of a budget than Titans was.
- Chronology: From where the first episode left off.

Donkey Patrol served as a good introduction for Cyborg and certainly helped to solidify Nobody as a more direct threat to the gang as well. I do hope the show doesn't drag out Chief's disappearance for the most part while at the same time, it is more fun seeing the gang deal with things without him as well. Two episodes in, I'm definitely sold on this show.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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