Friday, February 22, 2019

My Review of Gotham's 5x07: "Ace Chemicals"

Written by Tze Chun
Directed by John Stephens

Jeremiah (to Bruce): "Why don't you understand? You need me. I'm the answer to your life's questions. Without me, you're just a joke without a punchline."

All season long, this is an event that has been hyped to the rafters and for some fans, there was always the possibility that it might not have lived up to the hype while for others, it would be one of the show's greatest victories. Now spoilers pictures of Jeremiah, post chemical bath have been doing the rounds and let's just say, his final look certainly rings true with Cameron Monaghan's warning of it being "nightmare fuel" but what about the episode itself?

Well, things began with Bruce desperately looking for Alfred, who has been missing for nearly a week since getting nabbed by Jeremiah. Bruce during his search for his best friend, finds two unfortunate people who have been surgically made to look like his parents while being lured back to Wayne Manor so Jeremiah can force him to relive the worst day of his life in order to connect the pair together.

As gestures of friendship go, it's a pretty twisted one from Jeremiah but that doesn't stop him from making Bruce eat a snack and go to see The Mark Of Zorro again before we cut to the big event and find that it's actually Jim and Leslie assuming the roles of Thomas and Martha instead (the extras got their scenes cut off screen) before Selina managed to appear in order to save the pair while Bruce and Jeremiah take a trip a certain chemical plant.

Now we've seen this scene between in the likes of The Killing Joke, Batman 89 etc to name a few examples but this is the first time we've had the civilian version of it with Bruce and Jeremiah going fully at it before the latter took a dip in a chemical vat. While the scenes played off well, I do think the episode slightly spoiled things by having a later scene with Bruce and Selina at the hospital observing a "brain dead" Jeremiah and unwisely assessing that he no longer posed a threat to them. If I were Bruce, I'd keep an eye on him for the next decade to be sure of that one.

Onto the non related Jeremiah stuff (kind of) with this episode - we also had the uncomfortable Jim, Leslie and Barbara dynamic to deal with this week. Barbara could've went for another OBGYN but clearly chose Leslie in order to piss Jim off and I think Leslie might have accepted for different reasons. However, it still didn't stop Barbara from getting herself an invite into Oswald and Edward (after the former's alliance with Selina went south) trying to get a submarine out of Gotham. Ending this dark episode on a rather comedic note with those three was an interesting story choice here.

Then there's Jim and Leslie. She's clearly not pleased with Jim getting Barbara pregnant and in spite slapping him (which in this case, he actually didn't deserve), it didn't stop Leslie from rekindling her relationship with Gordon. They also did make for a good team when investigating Narrows deaths and winding up as hostages for Ecco and Jervis Tetch's roles in Jeremiah's overall scheme this week, which also resulted in the city's hopes for reunification being shattered by the water also getting poisoned this week.

- I did have to laugh about how quickly Edward realised that Barbara was actually pregnant and though it's cliched, her pregnancy also is serving as a means for her not to try and murder Oswald for now.
- Ecco added another aspect of her Harley-esque mantra with the roller blades this week. I take it she'll also be keeping an eye on Jeremiah from a distance then.
- Was this episode the last time we'll see Wayne Manor? It did blow up here but given the series finale will be a 10 year jump, it can't be, right?
- Chronology: Five days since the events of 13 Stitches.

Ace Chemicals certainly had a lot riding on it and while I do think one scene from this episode should've been cut, the rest of it was absolutely fantastic. In the space of five seasons and with Cameron Monaghan pulling double duty as both Jerome and Jeremiah. we have gotten a rather unique but still recognisable take on the Joker's origins for the show. This episode was a wonderful culmination of that event and with it complete, we've still got a few more treats to look forward to before the series ends for good.

Rating: 9 out of 10

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