Tuesday, March 05, 2019

My Review of Doom Patrol's 1x03: "Puppet Patrol"

Written by Tamara Becher-Wilkinson & Tom Farrell
Directed by Rachel Talalay

Rita (to everyone): "Are we really the best people to hunt a super villain?"

The answer is perhaps not, but at the same time, we wouldn't have much of a show if you guys  and we can't have that, now can we? Still though, while you can make criticisms for the reluctant/unwilling superhero trope, this show is still pulling things off rather smoothly as the action takes place in Paraguay in order to find the Chief.

The journey getting there was hilariously done with both Cyborg and Robotman clearly wanting to assume leadership and bickering at the other for doing so while Rita dealt with her daily ablutions to everyone else's impatiences and Crazy Jane managed to invoke her Flit personality in order to teleport herself, Cliff and Larry to where the main action would be this week.

The main action of course, being Paraguay where we found out that the nutjob responsible for Mr Nobody - Von Fuchs (Julian Richings) is still alive, controlling a shit load of human puppets (which is where the title of this episode is relevant) and will bore you to death with a three hour orientation that at least gave us an insight into the Chief and Morden's history together.

With Cliff being surrounded by human puppets that he's forced to kill and Larry struggling to free himself of his Negative self (and of course, failing to do), it was pretty much up to Jane this week to take out Fuchs. It was nice to see her a bit more in control compared to her first two episodes and the use of Silvertongue to kill Fuchs was done pretty well too.

As for Cyborg and Rita, they were somewhat taken out of the action for a portion of the episode but their downtime was a good way to explore Rita's reluctance to take action as well as Victor's own issues with his father. Speaking of Silas, while he's still somewhat harsh enough as a character, he did at least come through for Victor during one scene here.

As for the Chief, well they've got him but he's a puppet, so I guess the next episode will be focusing on undoing that one I guess. Then there was the introduction of the seemingly harmless Steve (Alec Mapa) who by the end of this episode has become Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man - a character who has been both a villain and hero in different iterations. I'm not sure what version the show is planning for the character, but I'm a little intrigued to see more of Steve nonetheless.

- The flashbacks with Larry's relationships with both Cheryl and John were some of the best moments in this episode. Is there any way we could get John outside of flashbacks? Probably not.
- Victor's flashbacks included scenes with his mother before the accident. He also has a privacy mode that Silas is able to hack.
- Standout music: Home Part 2 by Robert La Salle.
- Chronology: From where Donkey Patrol more or less left off.

Puppet Patrol continues a strong trend with this show. The antics at Von Fuchs lair were great to watch, it was nice to see Jane take control this week and the Larry/Victor flashbacks were a highlight of the episode. Episodes like this (as well as the previous one) do show that the team can actually function pretty well without the Chief.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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