Thursday, March 21, 2019

My Review of Doom Patrol's 1x05: "Paw Patrol"

Written by Shoshana Sachi
Directed by Larry Teng

Jane (to herself): "What the fuck is the Doom Patrol?"

Now, isn't that the eternal question. If we're going by the trailer for the next episode, then it's clearly the original team who Nobody wants Jane to find/probably kill or whatever. As for the current team, well they were busy trying to stop the world ending as this cult storyline came to a swift-ish conclusion.

Obviously feeling left out from his two episode absence, Nobody decided to team up with Caulder in order to manipulate one of Jane's personalities into becoming a cult leader influential enough to become a strong enough counter to the Decreator's reign of terror. It's an interesting idea fairly executed as we got to spend time in Jane's past and met up with the chillingly charismatic Dr Harrison who succeeded in fulfilling Caulder and Nobody's overall scheme.

The use of a Recreator and a pug to effectively undo the damage from the previous episode did seem like a rather convenient way of resolving things but it did manage to work reasonably enough. Of course there was still the stinger of Nobody proving to be a bad apple by taking the Chief away from the disenfranchised gang once things went back to normal as well as doing some damage to Cyborg at the same time.

I do hope that the Chief does escape fairly soon even though I do think the gang do somewhat work a little better without him for the most part. We did get some nice scenes with the Chief concerning his interactions with Jane, Larry and Willoughby and while Rita might have failed in her effort to keep Elliot safe, this episode did show her turning a corner in relation to stepping up towards being a hero, which was nice to see.

Unfortunately if there was a negative to this episode, I do think it was Willoughby. He was great in the start of this two parter but he kind of petered out a little here though, especially with Caulder, Nobody and Dr Harrison being the ones to really resolve the Decreator situation. Still though, I don't doubt we'll be seeing him again before the season concludes.

As for Jane - this was a great episode for Diane Guerrero to really shine. We're used to Hammerhead and the caustic relationship she's developed with Cliff but I did like seeing Penny Farthing grow a bit of a backbone and Guerrero did give a suitably calm and chilling performance as Harrison as well. It was also nice that we got to see the exact moment when Jane and Caulder met for the first time as well.

- Some of the flashbacks in this episode (mainly the beginning ones) gave me some Constantine flashbacks that for a moment, I thought it was going to be Willoughby and not Jane we saw in 1977 New Jersey.
- The cockroach, rat, the blue nailed horse and the pug. Yup, definitely an episode for talking animals and ones responsible for saving the world.
- Outside of Jane flashbacks, we did have Larry show more guilt over his former wife as well. Hoping we see John again soon.
- Chronology: From where Cult Patrol left off but also 1976-1978 when dealing with Jane's flashbacks.

Overall, while not as strong as the first few episodes, I do think that Paw Patrol did have a decent conclusion to the Decreator storyline. I am looking forward to meeting the original gang members in the episode but we do need to see Nobody's overall scheme move a little forward into the main storyline though.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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