Saturday, March 30, 2019

My Review of Doom Patrol's 1x07: "Therapy Patrol"

Written by Neil Reynolds
Directed by Rob Hardy

Crazy Jane (to everyone): "You all need more therapy than I do and I'm the crazy one."

An alternative title for this mid series slightly filler episode could've been A Rat's Revenge. Yes, the reason why most of the shit that went down in this episode was because Mr Nobody managed to manipulate a rat named Admiral Whiskers into getting revenge on Cliff as the latter ran over it's mother back in the first episode by accident. As if rats weren't intimidating enough, huh?

Playing havoc with Cliff's system saw the latter having the mother of all epic meltdowns and nearly killing Cyborg while at the same time trying to get his teammates to open up about their own anxieties with mixed results. I mean, it kind of helped Rita and Larry a little and Jane did open up about another threatening future event but mostly, it saw them squabbling at one another and getting no closer to actually finding the Chief though.

The prophecy that Jane showed does make me wonder what else Mr Nobody has revealed to her and what else is she holding out on with the gang. We certainly got hints of Cliff being a potential danger to the gang and I do wonder if Admiral Whiskers will leave their vengeance with that brief moment or will they come back for some more?

As for the rest of the characters - it was nice to tap into Victor's relationship with his parents. We know that he's got a frosty one with Silas and had a far better one with Elinore, who seemed to have his best interests at heart. It was also amusing to see Victor looking into his dating app history, even if that scene did overrun a little.

Then there was Rita, Cliff and Larry's little flashbacks. Rita meeting her idol as a kid was interesting enough along with her present day struggle to keep her form (and the furnace comments were brilliant) while Cliff dealt with a poor role model for a father, a love rival in his hallucinations as Larry confronted his own internalised homophobia and past relationship with John. I'm all for seeing more of John in Larry's flashbacks and I did love Cliff trying to get Larry to open up about his sexuality, even if he didn't go about it in the best of ways.

As for Nobody, at some point we do need to see the character actually come back and show a more direct threat to the gang. What has he been doing for the last few episodes and where the hell is the Chief actually at? Hopefully those answers will be coming sooner than later.

- I don't think we met any new personalities of Jane's in this episode, although when she adopted a British accent, it took me a bit to realise it was just Hammerhead being an asshole to Rita.
- This show's version of Tinder seems to be something called Cazh and Victor had 267 unread messages, in case the show didn't emphasize enough that Silas is a total dick.
- Standout music: Nice use of Hank Williams for the Larry and John scenes.
- Chronology: We were jumping from the early 1930s to the present day for various character flashbacks this week.

Therapy Patrol started off feeling a little too fillerish for it's own good before the second half really ramped things up a little. While I do think we're past the point where the show needs to get on with Mr Nobody's overall scheme, the character moments in this episode were pretty strong and it was nice to see our gang members get some things off their chest.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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