Monday, April 08, 2019

My Review of Doom Patrol's 1x08: "Danny Patrol"

Written by Tom Farrell
Directed by Dermott Downs

Maura Lee (to Darren): "Didn't your mama tell you never lay your hands on a woman?"

And the award for most fabulous episode so far goes to - well, this episode, if we're being honest. I should be used to the quirkiness of this show eight episodes in but this one really took (or more truthfully gave) the cake on how far the show can push being out there as possible. In other words: I loved it.

I wasn't hugely familiar with Danny the Street but the concept itself was executed pretty well given that in their quest to find Caulder (and still getting no closer than before), both Victor and Larry ended up taking a trip to Springfield, Ohio and landed on Danny where they soon met their lovely tour guide, the brilliantly named drag queen Maura Lee Karupt.

Focusing on Maura Lee Karupt for a bit. Easily the best guest character we've had so far with Alan Mingo Jr playing well with both Matt Bomer and Joivan Wade during their many scenes together and their backstory of being a member of the same agency (Bureau of Normalcy) who tormented Larry decades ago was a pretty good twist before embracing what Danny could do for them. After this episode, I'll be disappointed if we don't see Danny again.

There was something gratifying watching Maura Lee giving Darren the beatdown he had coming and watching Victor trying his best to bring out Larry's heroic was interesting too. I can see why Larry might not be ready but like Rita, I do think he's getting that bit closer to embracing the role and coming into his own.

Speaking of Rita, this week both her and Cliff were relegated into dealing with arguably Jane's worst personality yet - the rom com obsessed Karen, complete with love spell abilities. If you didn't hate rom coms beforehand, then two minutes with the overly chipper Karen will certainly put you off them for the rest of your life as she managed to charm both Doug and his family into thinking she was wife material for Doug.

Of course with Cliff around, things for Karen didn't really pan out so good as Jane's more caustic personality Hammerhead came out to play and nearly killed poor Doug to boot. Then the episode ended with Jane seemingly catatonic, so next week's installment should be more chaotic fun as Cliff will be forced to get inside her head to get Jane back.

- It's good to see that the gang are taking Jane's picture of doom from the last episode seriously as Cliff ripped the piss with Victor being a potential killer. I did like Cliff's little scene with the kid dressed as a robot.
- While Danny does seem to be afraid of Mr Nobody, at least they tried to give Victor a little clue to help find Niles. I can't wait to see how Niles and Danny first met.
- Standout music: Larry and Maura Lee's bloody fabulous duet of Kelly Clarkson's People Like Us. Any excuse to get Matt Bomer to sing is more than fine by me.
- Chronology: Larry had flashbacks to the Ant Farm in 1963 to help establish the Bureau of Normalcy.

Easily the best episode of the season. Making a sentient street into a reality on screen probably wasn't that tough but Danny Patrol definitely had a lot of fun with this concept and it brought out the best with Larry and Victor this week and you can bet I want to see both Danny and Maura Lee back before this season ends.

Rating: 9 out of 10

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