Tuesday, April 23, 2019

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 4x12: "The Eggplant, The Witch & The Wardrobe"

Written by Morgan Faust & Daphne Miles
Directed by Mairzee Almas

Ava: "But you could've chosen any one of those other women."
Sara: "I don't want other women."

Well, she was missing for two episodes, so I guess we were due a rather episode outing for Ava and if you enjoyed I, Ava in the previous season and are overall an Avalance fan, then this should be a firm favourite.

Now I'm more neutral on Sara/Ava as a couple and I think this was an episode that saw a further creative upswing on things. Especially as after slowly teasing the main antagonist for the season, this episode wasted no time in having Neron make his presence known to the gang.

Last time we left the couple, Sara and Ava had fallen out over the way things were being dealt with at the Time Bureau and in that time, Neron decided to send Ava's soul to purgatory in order to prime her body as a vessel for Tabitha, who I assume we'll be meeting in the next four episodes, if not a lot sooner considering how this one actually ended.

Determined to save Ava, Sara got John and Nora to help send her into purgatory and once there, it became a Megastore Nightmare with a rather unhelpful Gary and some other bloke as Sara and Ava navigated through flat packs, bed warranties and mountains of mail and dishes in order to get to the roots of their problems as a couple and as individuals.

A lot of the analogies here were thoroughly predictable but executed rather well as both Sara and Ava finally came to an understanding and got themselves out of purgatory, so that was one part of Neron's plan to fail. Of course, all his failures are temporary but let's look into them shall we?

We know that he needs a vessel for Tabitha and while the show could bring a new actress for the role, it's likely that following the failure to use Ava that he'll latch onto someone else. Nora seems a likely candidate given that he left Desmond's body to try and use her before both Nora and Constantine managed to outsmart Neron. Then Ray had to pick the worst time to make an entrance.

I wasn't surprised when the final scene revealed that Neron possessed Ray and while I'm sure Brandon Routh will do some great bad guy acting in the next few episodes, I am slightly annoyed that John didn't check Ray over after the whole incident. Aside from that though, I did like seeing John and Nora working together against Neron.

As for the rest of the episode, there was some nice scenes with Ray and Nate and Nate and Neron in the episode but the Zari/Nate budding romance definitely felt more cartoonish this week. Between the Ava and Neron plots we had Charlie, Mona and Mick all giving Zari their own takes on how she should pursue Nate before a wrecking ball made sure an embarrassing text she sent wouldn't be read.

At this point, they should just get it over with as I don't think we need any more weeks of UST between Zari and Nate now that Neron has a hold on Ray. As for Constantine and Desmond - well, the latter might be alive and demon free, but he's clearly not in the mood to be around John for the foreseeable future, which is to be expected even if it's a shame.

- I really did think Nora was going to go along with Neron's scheme, until it became obvious that she and John had been working together in order to get Neron weakened. Nice callbacks to Daddy Darhkest as well.
- The eggplant part of the episode came from the use of a certain emoji. I really want to know what the rest of Mick's suggestions to Zari were.
- Still not really keen on this whole Hey World theme park idea though given the finale's title, we're not going to be getting rid of it anytime soon though.
- Chronology: 2019 Washington DC.

As I said earlier in the review, The Eggplant, The Witch & The Wardrobe definitely felt like a creative upswing for the show, exploring the issues with Sara/Ava and adding another twist into the Neron storyline, which I'm really enjoying even if it's been pretty telegraphed at times with his various machinations. Still though, evil Ray for a few episodes, anyone?

Rating: 8 out of 10

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