Tuesday, May 14, 2019

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 4x15: "Terms Of Service"

Written by Grainne Godfree & Ubah Mohamed
Directed by April Mullen

Gary: "Go find John and help him rescue Ray from hell."
Nora: "Oh fiddlesticks."

Penultimate episode time of the season and well, at least three of our main cast are now in hell and all because when Gary tries to be helpful, he still managed to make a hash out of things. On the other hand, Nora will probably fare better there than John and Ray currently are to be honest.

Keeping with Gary first - I thought he was forgiven a little too easily and I wished he had expressed more remorse for the shit he had put most of the gang through while working with Neron and Tabitha. On the other hand, at least he did come to his senses, so hopefully he can make an effort to atone for his actions in the last two episodes.

Gary's torture of the gang though could've been worse but still taking away their free will, forcing them to spend time with him and humiliating them was pretty low and I don't want that to be glossed over with the character. Yes, they should treat him better and not take advantage but Gary's actions shouldn't be ignored either. He should have to suffer some consequence for it.

Speaking of consequences, both Nora and Constantine found themselves being a little too easily played in this episode as well. Constantine choosing Astra over Ray, I totally saw coming and understood the logic behind (and at least he attempted to fight for both of them) but even John should've realised that Lucifer and company were going to outsmart him.

The use of an older, embittered Astra to torture John was a smart move on the writers part and the casting seemed to be rather spot from the younger version of the character we saw as well. As for Nora, her being tricked by Tabitha into taking on the role of Fairy Godmother was genius but again like John, Nora should've spotted Tabitha's deception coming a mile off. Still Tabitha's post fairy transformation seemed like she was channeling Maleficent.

As for Zari and Charlie - those two made for a great team this week, even if Neron outed Zari as a witch and managed to capture Charlie during the latter and Zari's attempts of rescuing Mona (who I did feel bad for this week). On the other hand, with escaped magical creatures and a hatched Wextible in Zari's earlier timeline, Neron is going to need more than a soul grabbing app to get rid of the Legends once and for all.

- Did the show use some actual clips from the Constantine TV series during the Astra bits? If not then they definitely shot some similar scenes.
- Sara/Ava were subjected to tap dancing/book clubs, Mick a pacifer he couldn't remove and Nate made into a nerd. As I said, Gary should get some consequences for this.
- Neron's app can't even beat a cat trending on social media and it had a rather uninspired name to be honest. I also want to know more about that magical garden gnome that escaped from the Time Bureau.
- Chronology: Washington 2019 for the younger Zari scenes and Hell for Constantine and Ray.

Terms Of Service had fun talking about the fine print, amidst our main players getting deceived and taken out of the main playing field for quite a bit this week. The finale looks like it's going to be suitably jam packed as this Neron storyline comes to a close.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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