Saturday, July 06, 2019

EastEnders Does Pride But There's A Misstep

Last month I did a blog about the show pairing up Ben Mitchell (Max Bowden) and Callum Highway (Tony Clay) and while this won't be an ongoing thing, here's a little blog on last night's Pride themed episode of EastEnders.

Actually, I'm just going to break this down into what worked and overall didn't work. Your mileage may vary as they would say.

- The Taylor/Baker/Atkins Family (and Ted): It's incredible that a little over two years since their arrival, the Taylors went from looking like a family who would even less popular than the Millers and be quickly written out have turned out to be one of the most successful elements of the show in the last year and a half. As a unit, they've become one of the best in the show's history.
- Bernie's journey to self acceptance. She's gotten to the place where Callum desperately needs to get to and it thankfully hasn't been rushed. It was wonderful to see Bernie's family support her at Pride, her own awe at the event was completely endearing and I loved the pep talk she had with Tina. Now the show just needs to give her a girlfriend.
- Keegan, Keanu and Gray. Yeah they're not gay but showing straight men comfortable enough in their own sexuality enjoying Pride while supporting Bernie was a lovely bit of character moment as well. Even Mitch sort of got into the spirit when he wasn't reminding us that he doesn't actually like Gray.
- Tina Carter. This show has often been shambolic in the writing for the character but making her a manager of The Prince Albert and that lovely scene she had with Bernie really does highlight that she can be a great character when the show actually makes an effort with her.
- The square has never looked as vibrant as it did for Pride.

Of course with the positives do come some concerning negatives though.

- The obvious one: we get a Pride episode that ends with a gay character getting gay bashed? Yes, we need to highlight that homophobia still exists but I'm not sure this was the episode to do that. That moment felt misjudged to me.
- Of course Stuart (Ricky Champ) would be the one to batter Ben. Never mind that we had this storyline with Ben three years ago that resulted in his then boyfriend Paul dying.  You know some plotlines are not worth repeating.
- This show isn't entirely convincing me of Ballum yet. Yes, Bowden and Clay have chemistry, but Ben seems to enjoy toying with Callum more than having any real feelings for him. I'm sure that will change eventually but right now, it does somewhat make it hard to root for them as a future couple.
- Does Tiffany actually have feelings for Bernie or not? I wish the show would clarify this or not and preferably sooner than later.
- Bored shitless of the Kat/Kush vs. Stacey/Martin storyline with Arthur and the less said about Habiba/Adam, the better. Another dull storyline, even if it seems that Adam has some dirt on Iqra.

Overall, points to the show for doing this sort of episode and I wouldn't be surprised if the likes of Coronation Street, Emmerdale and Hollyoaks are planning similar themed episodes for 2020 but they do need to improve the Ballum storyline over the next few weeks and make sure that the Prince Albert set doesn't suffer the same fate that the Albert itself suffered. Oh and continue the good work they're doing with Tina and Bernie as well.

Happy Pride, everyone🌈🌈

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