Tuesday, September 24, 2019

My Review of Titans 2x03: "Ghosts"

Written by Tom Pabst
Directed by Kevin Tancharoen

Donna: "You know I love you and I want you to be happy but there's ghosts in this place. They should know that."
Dick: "They know enough."
Donna: "You wanna teach them to be better than us? Tell them what happened."

I think by the next few episodes, Dick isn't going to have to tell the new gang about the old gang's former screw ups because the end of this episode certainly implied that they'll get a first hand demonstration thanks to Deathstroke stepping out of retirement.

It wasn't too much of a surprise this week that Doctor Light and Deathstroke were actually working together and it's almost a good thing too as the former is not the most compelling of baddies here. While he initially outsmarted the original Titans halfway through this episode, he allowed himself to be outsmarted a lot by Jason until Slade appeared at the end to even the baddie score.

Then there's Jason. He's been a loose cannon since his introduction and this week he lost his patience with Rachel (though in his defense, she did nearly kill him) and even butted heads with Jason before getting Gar to help him locate Doctor Light. There's been a theory looming around for a while that Jason's Red Hood arc might be at the hands of Deathstroke instead of you know who and after this episode, I wouldn't be at all surprised if that's the direction the show decides to go.

As for Rachel, it's nice that she can talk about her dark side and here she was able to give Kory a bit of a rundown about it while bonding with Rose over bad fathers. The scenes with the female characters, including a brief one Kory had with Donna have been fantastic this season, though Dawn hasn't interacted too much with Rachel and Donna and we do need Kory back in the mix.

Speaking of Kory, her captor turned out to be former lover and bodyguard Faddei and their scenes were decent enough. We got a bit of an insight into Kory's relationship with her family, notably her sister Blackfire, who we'll be seeing later in the season before she managed to give Faddei the slip and not a moment too soon as well.

As for the boys - well, Hank went from being annoyed with being drawn back into the Titans circle to actually bonding a little more with Dick. He's still not a fan of Jason, which is amusing but at least Jason does seem to have a friend with Gar though. Like Dawn, I find that Gar has been a little underused so far this season but hopefully that will change soon.

- Good training session with Dick and Rose in this episode. Hell, her swordplay gave Dick some neat batons but he's being a little too willing to trust her.
- It seems that Rose's brother, Jericho (Chella Man) is dead and there's an implication that Aqualad (Drew Van Acker) is dead too. We're seeing both characters in the next episode.
- Jason was the only one to get into costume this episode. The show does need to start having the characters suit up more.
- Chronology: From where Rose essentially left off.

Ghosts wasn't my favourite episode but it's another strong contender and with so many character moments, it's fantastic to see how much the show has greatly improved. For a villain who hasn't essentially done a lot in the current time, the show is really selling Deathstroke as an effective threat to the gang, both old and new.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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