Tuesday, October 22, 2019

My Review of How To Get Away With Murder's 6x04: "I Hate The World"

Written by Matthew Cruz
Directed by Scott Printz

Annalise: "It's messy. I'm messy ... Broken."
Robert: "We all are. Doesn't mean I don't want to know you."

I was hoping that if Annalise was going to get a love interest in this final season, it would be with Tegan and while that still could probably, it seems for now the show will be pairing her with a male lawyer named Robert Hsieh (Cas Anvar) and so far, he intrigues me as a character.

Their meeting came about in a slightly ridiculous but still pointed case involving an incel not getting any from a dating app and the creator of said app using the algorithms for her own self serving purposes (as well as the government's). Parts of the story weren't great but I did love Annalise pointing out to Carl that he wasn't the only one who had to deal with rejection just because he was disabled.

Getting back to Robert - this episode gave us quite the information dump on him. In the space of a few scenes we learned that he's a Trekkie, has bad credit, is lactose intolerant and hopes that Annalise didn't kill her husband. He also seems like a nice guy genuinely interested in Annalise so here's hoping he's not working with the FBI, winds up evil or dead in the next few episodes.

As for Tegan this week we learned that she had an investment from her days with the Castillos that she was willing for Cora to keep but between Annalise and Bonnie's various words of wisdom, she was also willing to finally end her marriage with her estranged wife for good. I also liked that Bonnie seemed to be on Tegan's side and quickly clocked that Nate was in contact with the FBI as well.

Then there's the Michaela plot. Taking all the Gabriel scenes and his nasty scene with Annalise where he blamed her for Sam yet again, it was nice to see Michaela actually make contact with her father, Solomon Vick (Ray Campbell) and for the two of them to direct face each other head on. It's pretty interesting that this episode decided to add three new characters into the mix. Leading to my next bit of course.

Remember how I've been saying that Asher desperately needed a plot this season? It looks like the writers agree too as not only did he help with the main case this week and question whether or not he was a baby Incel but his sister Chloe (Kelen Coleman) has appeared and Asher doesn't seem that happy to see her for some reason.

Last but not least, we had a three way plot with Connor and Oliver, which to be honest, I'm not that bothered with. However, this episode Oliver seemed to be acting pretty erratic and I'm curious if that's supposed to be leading to something not good in the next few episodes.

- Frank appeared at the end of the episode, badly beaten so that didn't drag out either.
- Solomon does look a little young to be Michaela's father as some people have noted.
- Eve was mentioned a few times in this episode so I'm wondering if we'll see her again this season.
- Chronology: Not long from where the previous episode left off. Michaela overheard Connor freaking out in the other room in the flash forwards.

I Hate The World had it's piece on dating apps, rejection, introduced three interesting new characters and moved the flash forward to the start of the episode. It also kept the Laurel stuff to one scene and we got some sexy three way times, so yeah, this one was goodie.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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