Thursday, November 21, 2019

My Review of Titans 2x11: "E.L._.O."

Written by Bianca Sams
Directed by Millicent Shelton

Bruce (to the girls): "So glad you all could make it."

I'll be honest, this show's version of Bruce Wayne is an oddity for me. It's been eleven episodes and the character has appeared four times and while I like Iain Glen as an actor, I'm still not entirely convinced by his take on Bruce.

It also doesn't help that Bruce seems so unhelpful, even when he's actually trying to help as well. You could boil it down to him wanting Dick to help himself out, but even that doesn't entirely work either. This week he was mostly again in Dick's head, spurring the latter to get out of prison, even if it took Dick long enough to get the hint.

Now that we're really nearing the end of the season, the next episode really does need to bring this prison plot to a quick ending and fast. Despite Bruce's mediocre efforts, it was only Kory and Rachel who stepped up to try and help Dick while Donna and Dawn focused on finding Gar as the latter went through some rough stuff this week.

I could've done without seeing Gar having his brain opened up at Mercy's behest and the episode did seem to end with him clawing some scientist to death once again. Again, this is another plot that needs to be speedily dealt with as the Deathstroke storyline has to come to an end pretty soon.

Keeping with the Deathstroke plot, two unsurprising revelations came to pass this week. One was that Dick figured out that Jericho somehow managed to survive and two was the reveal of Rose actually working for her father all along.

Neither were shocking but neither were terrible, even if Rose's bitchy attitude at times towards Jason did grate before the two of them opened up a little more to each other. I hate to admit it, but I've not really warmed to Rose this season even if this episode was great in showing a more vulnerable side to Jason.

- Jason revealing himself to be a thespian nerd was a rather sweet moment with the character. Rachel also had dreams of Deathstroke attacking Dick at the latter's funeral a few times.
- Kory nearly copped off with a hot shrink before he tried to psycho analyse her.
- No Hank or Conner this week. It's actually interesting that this was the first episode to feature Dawn but not Hank, though he's the focus of next week's episode.
- Chronology: From where the previous episode more or less left off.

E.L._.O was an okay diversion I guess but we're two episode left from the finale and it's time to really ramp up the action. Enough with the brooding, enough with the main cast largely separated from each other. It's more than enough time to see everyone band together and finish this main arc.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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