Tuesday, January 07, 2020

My Review of Harley Quinn's 1x06: "You're A Damn Good Cop, Jim Gordon"

Written by Tom Hyndman
Directed by Cecilia Aranovich Hamilton

Harley: "You know what, Bats, now I think about it, we're not so different."
Batman: "We're completely different."
Harley: "We're both bad asses who look good in spandex."

Yeah, maybe Batman and Harley Quinn do have more in common than the former would like to admit as both proved to be rather terrible friends this week with certain people suffering the consequences of their more selfish actions.

First of all, Jim Gordon. This might be the most inappropriate, unprofessional version of the character we've ever seen so maybe Batman did have a point in confiscating the Bat Signal when Gordon was using it more to tell Batman about his crumbling marriage than what it was meant to be. Still though, it did seem a little harsh and it did result in Gordon making a temporary friend in Clayface's hand of all things.

The idea of giving Clayface's hand a character for an episode worked well enough. A little saccharine in parts and I certainly had no problem with Clayface reconnecting with his right arm but mostly, it served to highlight Harley's own selfishness as her desperation to get into the Legion of Doom not only resulted in Clayface losing a part of himself but also King Shark got arrested as well and sent to prison before being rescued in the end.

Just as funny though was Poison Ivy. I love that she's the only one who continues to hold Dr Psycho's misogyny into account and made her feelings for him only too known here (as in, she hates his guts). Still though the unlikely pair did make for an amusing team when an armchair critic mistook them for a couple and Ivy was more than keen to have that corrected.

The critic turned out to be Dr Psycho's son, Herman who we briefly saw a few episodes back. We got a rundown of Herman's daddy issues before both father and son made amends and Harley's gang got a slightly more glowing review on that Cowlheads site. Seriously though, six episodes in, she's gotta stop smashing stuff and leaving members behind.

- Giganta has moved onto a new fella named Brad and of course, Ivy had to ask that question about her and Dr Psycho.
- Remember how I said I wanted an episode that didn't feature the Joker? Well, I got my wish as he was nowhere to be seen in this one.
- Harley got a trip into the Batcave when she stole a device from Wayne Enterprises.
- Chronology: It's been two months since Harley's quest to get into the Legion of Doom.

I'm not sure I agree about the title for this episode. You're A Damn Good Cop, Jim Gordon - eh, this version isn't really good at all at his job but he did get some nice scenes with Clayface's hand and that's probably the most interesting he's been so far.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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