Tuesday, January 21, 2020

My Review of Harley Quinn's 1x08: "L.O.D.R.S.V.P"

Written by Tom Hyndman
Directed by Matt Garofalo & Ben Jones & Frank Marino

Lex (to Harley): "Ready to put your life behind you and make the world an even worse place?"

What a tempting idea, isn't it? After eight episodes, I'm actually surprised that Harley has gotten into the Legion of Doom but of course, it's not quite what it seems and she probably shouldn't get too comfortable there or with Lex Luthor's charm offensive either.

Yeah, it seems the Legion actually wanted Poison Ivy and of course the latter had no interest in signing up. Unfortunately her attempts to tell Harley that the Legion were using her backfired and their friendship came to a grinding halt in this one with Harley saying some rather mean things about Ivy's lack of social skills.

Before the big fall out though, there was some fun. Harley and her crew did manage to steal some jewels from Atlantis and Ivy also got to royally humiliate Aquaman (Chris Diamantopoulos) before the latter attempted to get even during the Big Baddie Party and got his backside handed to him by Harley with little effort.

I'm guessing the lesson for Harley is going to be that she doesn't need the Legion in order to make it as a true baddie and it'll be Ivy who will be the one to pick up the pieces when Legion eventually turn on her. Still though, that last scene with the Joker better result in Harley sticking to her guns and not getting sucked back into a relationship given that her only female friend is out of her reach right about now.

- Harley more or less figured out that Ivy and Kite Man (who was a waiter at the do) are an item. Ivy did seem less ashamed of him than in previous episode.
- Nice subplot with Sy Borgman and his mutated sister, Mirielle and I did laugh that Dr Psycho can't attend any mission where he'd have to interact with a female superhero.
- Bane's inclusion into the Legion involved politics. Bane also made a joke about PC Culture ruining comedy.
- Chronology: Not long from where the last episode left off.

L.O.D.R.S.V.P certainly gave Harley exactly what she wanted even if it was in the way she didn't expect and it resulted in her and Ivy unfortunately falling out. Still though, I did love all the Legion stuff and the Sy Borgman subplot gave us some great moments with Dr Psycho as well. Overall, another very fun episode.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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