Wednesday, February 19, 2020

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 5x04: "A Head Of Her Time"

Written by Morgan Faust
Directed by Avi Youbain

Ava (to the Legends): "Well, looks like we have a mission, so everyone stop looking so Les Miserables because we are going to France."

Oui, Oui, indeed, Ava. Yup, we've had some male Encores and now it's time for a female one and this week, Courtney Ford had the fun of playing double duty by briefly appearing as Nora and mostly as Marie Antoinette as the latter got a whole new lease on life thanks to Astra yet again.

Having Marie use a charming perfume while also getting people to party themselves to death actually made for a delightfully twisted method of revenge and worked rather well, until the Legends put a stop to the whole thing. Then Zari let her own vanity get in the way and learned the hard way about mixing unstable fragrances with a massive PR event.

I do love that while this show has been having a blast with the Influencer version of Zari, the character has never lost her smarts at all. We're just seeing them in a different way as she bonded with Ava and both of them helped the other out at certain situation. I also like that the show has slowly been hinting at Zari getting her memories back.

As for Marie Antoinette, she didn't have as much to do as the Encore from last week, but her scenes were certainly fun to watch especially when both Mick and Ray had to stop her headless body from causing maximum havoc on the Waverider. It's also nice to see that some of Ava's advice was heeded during a crucial moment.

Getting away from the main storyline from a bit, the second plot involving Constantine, Charlie and Gary was also pretty delightful to watch. Throughout the episode, we saw John re-examine his past relationship with Astra's mother, Natalie as the latter used Charlie's body to make sure that John was saving Astra for the right reasons.

Unfortunately for John though, Astra really has had enough of his shit and took things a lot further by getting another resident (the Coin Maker) in Hell to speed up Constantine's life expectancy. Fans of a certain arc from Hellblazer might be intrigued to see how the show will pull of this particular storyline as the episode certainly left John in a bad way.

As for Charlie, it's nice this episode finally delved into her past. She originally destroyed the Loom of Fate and she's been hiding every since because something's coming after her as well. Now the only thing we need to do will be to get both John and Charlie's storylines back in with the Legends and the sooner the better.

- Sara appeared in only two scenes this week as she had business to attend to in Star City. That probably was to do with Oliver's funeral and something else.
- We got some flashbacks to John and Natalie, both as a couple and as children first discovering magic. The arc they're running with happens to be Dangerous Habits.
- Of course Nate would punch Zari's Smore wearing now ex-boyfriend. I also made a note of things like CatChat and Dragoneque with this one too.
- Chronology: 2020 Northumberland, England, 1793 France and 2045 New York. The episode also snuck in a brief Napoleon cameo as well.

A Head Of Her Time had a lot of fun with the Marie Antoinette and Zari stories nicely interlinking with one another while also getting down with the more serious stuff with the Constantine/Charlie/Astra plot as well. This season so far has been coming along rather nicely and Ava made for an okay interim Captain.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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