Wednesday, March 11, 2020

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 5x06: "Mr Parker's Cul-De-Sac"

Written by Keto Shimizu & James Eagan
Directed by Ben Hernandez Bray

Damien (to Sara): "I know you'll never forgive me and to tell you the truth, I won't either."

And he came back for a very special episode. An episode that saw the return of puppets, an old children's television show being used as a means of getting most of our main characters to better communicate with one another and to top it all off, a lovely wedding for two characters who I think should NOT be departing next week.

Damien Darhk might be the man infamous for killing Laurel Lance but Legends Of Tomorrow has managed to find ways to make the character sympathetic, notably through his genuine remorse for being a crappy parent to Nora and this episode managed to give the two of them a bit of closure and by the end of it, permanent closure for Damien.

Becoming one of Astra's Encores, Damien eschewed bringing more souls to hell so that he could catch up with Nora and inadvertently ruin her date night with Ray where the latter had planned on popping the big question. He also had Gary bound and gagged to a train track which gave the latter something else to be cowardly over as well for good measure.

As for Nora, she was delighted to see her father but found herself spinning a massive web of lies, which included having John pretend to be her boyfriend, Sara and Ava being relegated to her hench women before an attempt to de-power her father went awry, the truth came out and her latest charge used Ray's favourite kids programme to get everyone on the same page with one another.

By the end of the episode, Damien admitted to his failings and got to witness his fairy godmother daughter marry the nicest man on the show before telling said man that they need to give the Waverider the heave ho. Then he had one cathartic scene with Sara before using that blade from the previous episode to avoid being tormented by Astra for eternity. I guess barring any alternative versions, this probably will be the last time we see Damien Darkh in this particular universe.

Watching this episode and with the next one to come, I'm not happy that we're losing Ray and Nora as characters. I genuinely think it's a mistake on the show's part losing these two and I have loved watching their story play out over the last few seasons. At the very least, I think the show should've at least left their departure towards the end of the season.

Speaking of departures, the news of Mick having a kid with Ally, named Lita certainly has spelled his imminent exit. Right now, he's telling Zari that he's better off not being in his kid's life but there's no way the show would've introduced this plot unless they're seeing an eventual exit for Mick this season, right? By the way, loved the Mick and Zari team up this week as they were largely kept away from the main plot.

As for Constantine and Charlie - those two continue to have great scenes together. I understand everyone sharing Charlie's stance about not wanting to restore the Loom and I did have to laugh at Constantine getting tricked into nearly heading to the South Pole when Charlie pretended to be Nate. Still though, they have managed to strike an uneasy agreement about using the Loom to change Astra's fate but I'm really hoping Charlie's sisters show within the next few episodes.

- Sara and Ava's latest conflict resulted in the former getting an offer from Rene in Star City. She turned it down. Loved John's face of horror when Sara and Ava were puppets again.
- There's still the subtle hints of Zari sort of remembering things but not quite. Can't be much longer now, right?
- Loved the throwback to the third season finale and even seeing John wearing some of Leonard's gear when he was about to go South.
- Chronology: 2020 Northumberland, England. They're really getting a lot of use of Constantine's house this season.

Mr Parker's Cul-De-Sac has become the highlight of the season so far. The ending is coming with Ray and Nora and while I definitely the show will lose something by losing them, I loved this episode and Damien's return was a highlight along with that particular sequence.

Rating: 9 out of 10

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