Wednesday, March 18, 2020

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 5x07: "Romeo V. Juliet: Dawn Of Justness"

Written by Ray Utarnachitt & Matthew Maala
Directed by Alexandra La Roche

Ray (to Gideon): "Thank you for everything and take care of the Legends for me."

And just like that, we're down to three original members of the team, including Gideon of course. The moment has been prepared for a while now, but I still can't believe that Ray Palmer has actually left the show with Nora.

I've said a few times but this show will feel the loss of this particular character and it's not taking away from the fact that with a large and revolving cast, we've seen plenty of characters come and go from the Waverider over the last five years but this time it really does feel different.

Ray was undoubtedly the glue of the ship with a sunny optimism that never felt saccharine and while the rest of the crew understood perfectly why he was stepping away with Nora, it took Nate somewhat longer to get his head around the idea after finding out by accident and reacting badly to the news itself.

Of course while the eventual exit of Ray and Nora was more quiet and the former did get one last meaningful scene with the other love of his life before leaving, it was the final scene that played around with the mood as the remaining team were left with a rather unforgettable reminder of Ray's presence that only Zari seemed unaffected by. That green juice will get you every single time.

As for the action of the episode, well, we ventured into Jolly Old England where Shakespeare (Rowan Schlosberg) was holding on to a piece of the Loom of Fate for Charlie before the latter learned that her famous mate also sold it off when struck by writers block. Needless to say, Charlie used her charms to retrieve while Constantine inadvertently started a bar fight and Shakespeare decided that he could invented the superhero genre for good measure.

Of course between respective bachelor parties for the newlyweds, the gang also had to work together in order to bring the real Romeo & Juliet to life in order to course correct history while also working through some other issues with one another. While Nate didn't make for the most convincing of Juliets, Zari had no problem stepping into the role and working with John's rough and ready Romeo.

Meanwhile, anyone else getting the impression that Coin Maker is one of Charlie's sisters? Her role has certainly expanded from last season and she was quick to emotionally manipulate Astra when the latter told her about John's plan. Not to mention that she got very interested when Astra revealed that Constantine was looking for the Loom of Fate. It really is time to propel that storyline forward as we move into the latter half of the season.

- Astra recalled both Rasputin and Marie Antoinette. Mona also returned to help induct Zari into book club while also giving Mick sound advice about connecting with his daughter.
- They missed a trick by not having Shakespeare flirt with both Constantine and Charlie, though his bemusement at Juliet not being played by a man was funny.
- Sly reference to Riverdale this week while the next episode, due to air in April will be a homage to Supernatural.
- Chronology: 1594 England for most of this episode.

Romeo V. Juliet: Dawn Of Justness felt more of a quiet affair after the big Ray/Nora wedding episode and while I wish the characters hadn't left here, it was a decent ending for them. I do hope that when this show eventually ends, both characters are recalled for the series finale but going forward at least we have the Looms storyline to tide us over.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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